5 Post – 139 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Their issues are:

  1. Bad data - major errors in review videos
  2. Ethical concerns - conflicts of interest, Billet review, Pwnage review
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How's that walled garden working out?

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Image Transcription: Reddit Comments


Is there an alternative to reddit, like reddit was to digg?


I'd like to see a p2p version of reddit. That would help to keep it out of the hands of corporations. I for one live having a well organized site, but hate being at the mercy of a bunch of people in a board room.


I think that could open a whole different can of worms, depending on the implementation. I'm not sure how I would feel about my connection being used to route traffic for subreddits with questionable/borderline illegal/copyrighted content, for example. It would just offload some potential legal problems from the site's admins to its users.


My thought was that you could build it a bit like XMPP, where individual servers can choose to federate with others, and provide a system where a user of one server can use his identity three on all federated servers. Think of it as having a "home" sub that talks to others in a web of connected subreddits, all of which honor the user identities of other connected subreddits.

I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too!

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So... Who is "The Completionist" and why are they getting removed?

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TL;DR: Apple and Amazon have an agreement that Apple can buy all the sponsored product slots when someone searches for an iPhone, iPad, etc.

Samsung and other companies are unhappy that Apple products show up when their products are searched on Amazon, but not the other way around.

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It depends, it may not be. TOS are not as ironclad as they appear.

But I already know OP's Mom

I mean, so does a capacitor...

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I suppose I'm conservative according to lemmy, (I'm also not great at internet arguments, but do like conversation, so let's keep this nice.) Also, I'm not an expert, but I'd like to get the ball rolling here.

In my opinion, I think modern society is just more disrespectful. Social media makes the "shock and awe" approach the way to go to get views and get heard. Everyone is just pursuing their own "mic drop" moment. There's just so much noise.

So to get heard and stand out you have to get more extreme and entrench in your own views.

So how do we fix it?

In my mind, respect comes from better parenting. More time off from work for people does not necessarily mean more time with their own kids, but it certainly can't hurt. So maybe a reduction in the normal working week from 40 hours to maybe 35 would make a difference.

I'm not sure how we could make incentives to have people be better parents.

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This is the way

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Here's my recommendations:

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Because an iOS change might break existing corporate software? Just a guess.

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I think if it supported it 5 or 6 years ago, I would still be using it. Why do I only like the niche Google products (RIP Wave, Inbox, etc.)?

Sorry for the rant.

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Airplane travel used to be just for billionaires too. We just have to wait it out a bit

Image Transcription: Greentext


>driving with friend

>accidentally grab his leg instead of gearstick

>we both laugh and I unzip his pants

>park the car while fondling his balls

>friend is laughing because he knows it's just a joke

>start sucking his dick on this empty parking lot

>almost choke on his dick because i'm laughing so hard

>friend is also laughing his ass off

>he starts making train noises while yelling "BROJOB BROJOB! CHOO CHOO"

>he cums and I swallow it all like some stupid faggot

>kiss my friend and call him a faggot while laughing

Gotta love playing pranks on my friends

I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too!

Image Transcription: Text and Image

[Screenshot of message from the Lemmy app Jeroba.]

Server version (0.17.4) is under the minimum supported version (0.18).

Please inform your administrator and login to another instance, or sign out and use the default instance.

I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too!

I go to the web to a post on the user's instance and click Modlog on the bottom. From there you can sort by user and see their banned posts as well as the ban reason. (The commenter's reason is because of Spam)

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This made me think of a custom keyboard with a mousetrap arm at the top to break the fingers of would-be typers.

But will Fairphone be around in 5 years?

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Because students take advantage (i mean we all did im one way or another). The younger the kids, the more parents (and the law) treat the school as responsible for the student and their supervision. That being said, in my opinion access to a bathroom is a basic human right.

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You really can't beat a cheap android tablet running Tachiyomi.

Image Transcription: Text

Hi brain, you obstinate fucker. I drank the clear splashy stuff. I ate the green things. I went under that bright fucker up there. I did the thing with the moving and sweating and whatnot. Now make the happy chemical, you lump of fuck.

I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too!

If there's no central control or ledger, couldn't you just rewrite the card with the original values and the machines wouldn't know any difference?

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Sync > Thunder > Jeroba

Edit: I'm keeping the spelling lol

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All is the collection of communities that anyone on your instance is subscribed to. I believe once everyone unsubscribes, new posts are not automatically retrieved.

If your seedbox is local, then yes to hide from your ISP. From an offsite one, probably not.

Yeah except neglecting to shovel, that shit sounds dangerous

Taskmaster NZ comes out tomorrow!

What's the difference between blocked and fedipact?

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I have it through the steam workshop, so i'm unaffected.

I really enjoyed your post, it really encapsulated my feelings toward the site and then ultimately, how I locked myself into it.

One question though, are you really on the take from Big Barbie?

All jokes aside, thanks for your post.

Image Transcription: Reddit

This website is exploitative garbage with no respect given to all the app makers and third party developers that have kept its decrepit heart beating all this time, submitted by /u/awkwardtheturtle to /u/awkwardtheturtle

/u/spez is a liar and a hypocrite, the admins are two-faced goons, and they are all toxic embarrassments instead of people. They seemed ok when I met them in person (though tiny Spez did seem like he had a lot to compensate for), but promises and assurances from people like chtorrr and redtaboo have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are stooges, not innovators.

Let it all burn to the ground where this useless website belongs

I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too!

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Okay but the pizzas tho

Wiki Communities please!

White knight stays put to protect the board from the mold, while effectively doing nothing

No they don't, nor will they according to their about page.

Not OP, but I installed the Wifi card that I forgot to buy and reseated the webcam when it wasn't detected initially.

My first websites after hand coding were fine in Fireworks :'( I miss Macromedia stuff

Image Transcription: Text and Image

[Screenshot of the Infinity app for Reddit. A pop-up notification is on the bottom of the screen.]

Important Notice Regarding Reddit API Changes

Starting from July 1st, 2023, Reddit API will be pay-per-use for 3rd-party clients, which include Infinity for Reddit. The announcement from Reddit can be found here:

In order to survive this change, Infinity will become a subscription-only app after July 1st. You can learn more about the changes in this post:

It's required for you to update Infinity after July 1st so that you will get the new version with subscription options. None of the previous versions (including this one) will work after July 1st. But due to a tight timeline Reddit gave, the update may not be available immediately on July 1st since it requires proper testing. Thank you for your understanding!

I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too!

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