A modern resume template written in Typst, inspired by Awesome-CV

devpaul@lemmy.world to Open Source@lemmy.ml – 330 points –

Hi all,

I made this typst template originally to port my personal resume to typst from Latex. It tries to be a faithful port of the Awesome-CV latex template that I was previously using. Hope you find it useful.


Edit: added missing link


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I put this together in a few minutes using my template. Does this address what you meant?

Here's the typst code:

#import "@preview/modern-cv:0.1.0": *

#show: resume.with(
  author: (
      firstname: "Person", 
      lastname: "Lastname",
      email: "email@email.com", 
      phone: "111-111-1111",
      github: "DeveloperPaul123",
      linkedin: "LinkedIn Name",
      address: "111 Road Dr. City, Place 111111",
      positions: (
        "Software Engineer",
        "Software Architect"
  date: datetime.today().display()

= Experience

  title: "Company, Inc.",
  location: "Place, Earth",
  date: "2022 - 2023"

  "June 2023 to August 2023"

  - #lorem(10)
  - #lorem(11)

  "March 2021 - May 2022"

  - #lorem(10)
  - #lorem(11)

This is very close. The only thing missing is job title for the parent along with the company name for each nested experience

Whoops! I ommited that on purpose. But you can add the job title back in. And yes I see how that would be good for each sub section to have the company name.

This should be doable, I'll update this thread if I can implement it.