7 Post – 24 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Thanks for the feedback! I think this makes sense for those who do have work experience. Do you think this should still be the case for new graduates?

Also I should note you can easily change the order of things in your own CV.

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This is interesting as I simply copied the same styling as the previous template I was using. Would it be better to highlight the entire first word instead of the first n letters?

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Someone already mentioned Logseq, but I'm really enjoying Obsidian for my note taking needs. It's similar, but I have found Obsidian to be very nice. Not FOSS, but I really like what the devs are doing.

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Thanks for all the feedback! I'll take each point into consideration as I work on the next version of the template :)

Overall it was pretty nice honestly. Especially coming from Latex. Creating a template in Latex was very difficult but in typst it's way more intuitive (at least to me) and it's easy to control every aspect of the text and its layout.

I use OneCommander and it works pretty well. The dev just added a single window mode with tabs as well.

I really like it. I think it's on the right path as a competitor/successor to latex. I would agree with some of barbara's comments on it's age and maturity. It's being worked on by a lot of people and is open source which is cool.

Overall it's easy to get started but there's a decent bit to learn like with any language. Creating templates like this is much, much easier though than it is in latex IMO. Overall I'm a fan and I'm slowly phasing out everything I've written in latex and am replacing it with typst.

I'm working on some of the changes your suggested. Here are screenshots of the adjustments. I'm curious to hear your thoughts. Thanks!

Here is a monochrome version without colored headers. I also adjusted the default accent color, but this is user configurable as well.

I put this together in a few minutes using my template. Does this address what you meant?

Here's the typst code:

#import "@preview/modern-cv:0.1.0": *

#show: resume.with(
  author: (
      firstname: "Person", 
      lastname: "Lastname",
      email: "", 
      phone: "111-111-1111",
      github: "DeveloperPaul123",
      linkedin: "LinkedIn Name",
      address: "111 Road Dr. City, Place 111111",
      positions: (
        "Software Engineer",
        "Software Architect"

= Experience

  title: "Company, Inc.",
  location: "Place, Earth",
  date: "2022 - 2023"

  "June 2023 to August 2023"

  - #lorem(10)
  - #lorem(11)

  "March 2021 - May 2022"

  - #lorem(10)
  - #lorem(11)
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Whoops! I ommited that on purpose. But you can add the job title back in. And yes I see how that would be good for each sub section to have the company name.

This should be doable, I'll update this thread if I can implement it.

Oh really? I couldn't find a port of this before. Do you happen to have a link?

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That's a fair point, thanks!

Ahh yes, I tend to forget about these "awesome" lists. Thanks for the links.

It seems that Brilliant CV is a direct port of the same latex template I used to use as well. The developer references it as well in the README. I do think my template is a bit easier to use and is more up to date with the latest typst version but there are some really nice templates on there.

It's in the description now, sorry about that!

I added it to the original post, sorry about that!

Ah ok I see where you're coming from. That all makes sense

Are you saying it's not worth becoming a freelancer if you don't already have connections ?

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Sorry, I added the link in the post now. It's also available on typst universe.

Just curious, but what do you mean by the following

Typsts chat room is closed source and not accessible by everyone


There is no discourse forum

Do you mean that's it's hard to get involved in the discussion regarding typst? If so, check out the discussions on the their github page:

And also be sure to check out their discord; it's linked to from the main website.

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Nice! Yeah you've definitely tried a bunch of apps.

What service are you using to self host obsidian? And is it cheaper than paying for obsidian sync?

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Cool thanks for the info! Ill check it out


I added the link now and yes, I really hope typst takes off as well. I've been using it pretty extensively where I can at work and my personal life and it's so much easier than Latex. I haven't done anything too complicated yet so we'll see how it goes.

Also I added the missing link 😅

Yeah I've tried One Note, Evernote and notion before coming across Logseq and Obsidian. I'm really enjoying it. I haven't given Excalidraw much use in obsidian but I may do so in the future.

The library is available on to include in your android project.