A modern resume template written in Typst, inspired by Awesome-CV

devpaul@lemmy.world to Open Source@lemmy.ml – 330 points –

Hi all,

I made this typst template originally to port my personal resume to typst from Latex. It tries to be a faithful port of the Awesome-CV latex template that I was previously using. Hope you find it useful.


Edit: added missing link


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I'm interested in both the candidate's skills and achievements. The list of skills is a quick and easy filter, but once past that, achievements deserve a lengthier explanation--and they may still reference skills.

Having hired for years in an IT-adjacent discipline, I like to see skills and achievements factored out, not unlike the way code or data structures should be factored.

A/B testing of resume structures might be interesting.

Wouldn't the application software filter out the keywords from the description?

I don't know what application software you're referring to.

I meant like Workday, Greenhouse, ADP, etc.

I'm not familiar with them. All of our resumes are screened by actual people.