Can we stop making posts to complain about new users complaining about reddit? to Mildly – 435 points –

What is more mildly infuriating than reading a post complaining about someone else complaining? Adding another level!

Edit: Thanks for replying to my little joke everyone. It has been fun reading the responses. Though it seems like we have a few people that still only read and respond to the title.

Someone should definitely come up with a good rage bait title with happy rainbow stuff in the body.


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Complainception 🤷

Can we please stop making posts to complain about slightly less new users complaining about new users complaining about Reddit??

But what about the new users who complain about the slightly less new users, who might simply be slightly older ex-Reddit users who wish to complain?

What about people who complain only about subreddits like r/donut - should they not, instead, complain about the hole thing?

What about people who complain only about subreddits like r/donut - should they not, instead, complain about the hole thing?

Isn't the donut the hole thing?

I don't know, I think I'd better post a question on Reddit.