14 Post – 415 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just want to take a moment to say…

Thank you, moderators. Sincerely.

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  1. Thank your daughter for helping you with chores.
  2. Bring her to the mess and let her see it for herself.
  3. Kindly ask her why she thinks it turned out that way.
  4. Ask her what she thinks she can do avoid this kind of thing next time. (This is your opportunity to explain to her how to do things.)
  5. Kindly ask her to do it again, correctly. (Consider doing it together)
  6. Tell her she’s awesome for helping out, and that you really appreciate it.

Never be angry. Be patient and supportive. Don’t let frustration escalate.

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Yeah, I might be an idiot on this, but imo Nintendo and whoever judged this case have committed a far more egregious crime. Nothing Bowser did hurt a single soul anywhere near as much as Nintendo and that judge has decided to hurt him in retaliation. Some numbers were slightly less high as some people might speculate they could have been. That’s it. Fuck Nintendo. Fuck their inhumanity and the same of their judge.

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It's really worth reading the article.

Tor can be used for any internet browsing you usually do. The key difference with Tor is that the network hides your IP address and other system information for full anonymity.

The company behind a VPN can still access your information, sell it or pass it along to law enforcement. With Tor, there’s no link between you and your traffic, according to Jed Crandall, an associate professor at Arizona State University.

I don't know if it's even possible, but it would be cool if I could use the fediverse over TOR just for the sake of supporting TOR. Not sure if there would have to be specific .onion instances, if normal instances could just be mirrored with a .onion address, or if a .onion instance would even be able to federated in the first place. I just don't know how it works.

Other use cases may include keeping the identities of sensitive populations like undocumented immigrants anonymous, trying to unionize a workplace without the company shutting it down, victims of domestic violence looking for resources without their abuser finding out or, as Crandall said, wanting to make embarrassing Google searches without related targeted ads following you around forever.

I'm certain an all-out legislative war would be waged against TOR if it were to become popularized for most of those reasons, under the more convenient guise of "criminals and children!"

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I will be thrilled if we end up with some experienced Reddit mods running communities or instances of their own.

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I'm more inclined to believe both parties are the bad guys here. The only good guys are the musicians stuck in the middle.

Soapbox opinion time. Post spamming to parallel communities across instances is antithetical to federation.

Post spamming discourages users from federating with parallel communities on federated instances because users who do end up with feeds congested with duplicate posts. This encourages unsubscribing which results in reduced engagement across communities and isn’t fair to other contributors who choose not to post spam. The alternative would be to block the post spammer, which wouldn’t be ideal either, since articles are often still worth reading.

If a post spammer is concerned about visibility from defederated instances, then I suggest using an instance that federates to more instances. Furthermore, please respect an instance’s choice to defederate from yours if that’s where you choose to be. If your instance was defederated from another, that means the users there do not want to see any posts from your instance, even if you think they do.

I implore post spammers to reconsider the logic behind their actions, as the impact on the fediverse is more negative than positive.

Do they even think about where in a functioning society those trillions are coming from? Do they think wealth just magically appears without affecting the wealth gap?

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What we know

Threads is a separate app from Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram. This means Threads’ user base will be separate from their existing platforms.

Well that aged like milk…

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Well on the flip side, if Google doesn't mind paying that amount, Canada's news industry just gets $74 million more every year than it usually does.

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Are they not obligated to refund? They're basically just throwing out their customers' shit without permission.

Welp, this might be kbin for me. It’s the only circumstance I’ve really found a PWA necessary, although I’ve considered making PWAs of some online shops I frequent.

I suspect Apple is eliminating PWAs from safari in the EU just because they don’t want to be forced to allow 3rd party browsers to do the same. Let’s go ahead and throw the baby out with the bathwater.

I’ve actually got a U.S. apple account on an iPhone bought in Japan, and living in the EU temporarily. It’ll be interesting to see how this is going to play out for me.

Okay. So they do this in Japan. The plastic used in the wrapper is different than the plastic in the bottle. They require different processes to recycle. It’s also far more efficient for regular people to just rip it off and throw one in one bin and the other in another bin in their own homes than it is for a sorting facility to go through mountains of this stuff trying to get it right every single time. Frankly I wish more places did it this way.

I hope this explanation will make things even less infuriating.

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Businesses don't make themselves cheaper for consumers even if they get a chance to cut their overhead. I just don't see businesses ever do that. Profits "rise" and they circle-jerk about how great they're doing.

I'm more interested in getting access to FOSS, indie apps, and apps that Apple is too afraid to be associated with, such as emulators and apps that feature adult content.

You want to block users from visiting your site, go for it. But you should quit "virtue signaling" yourself that people need to just volunteer their privacy for the internet to even exist. Tracking is only necessary for rich corporations to get get richer by brokering surveillance data, and all we really get in turn is an ad for diapers on a tech blog instead of what might have been flash storage or something. It's dumb.

EU doing all the heavy regulatory lifting that American politicians are too afraid to touch. As both an American and an avid Apple enthusiast, I sincerely appreciate it.

Apple will do something to ensure only batteries from them work right, mark my words.

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I wonder how business owners feel about their advertisements being weaponized to push people toward subscription plans that eliminate advertisements.

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Can I just get a cheaper option that has no software whatsoever?

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Money, probably.

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A business paying zero fees is not anticompetitive. One specific business paying zero fees when everyone else has to and doesn’t know about it is.

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I think this is the way to go. Rather than paying every random app a subscription to jerry-rig AI into their programming somehow, I’d like to have my own personal, and private, AI that plugs into a framework that each app offers. I’d also like to be able to purchase curated extensions to privately enhance my own AI.

I’m thrilled to see so much interesting content populate my feed no matter where it comes from. Kbin has improved & expanded so quickly in less than a week, I wonder what it’ll be like by the time June 30th finally hits.

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Why do people care about blue bubbles?

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Reddit didn’t do shit. Lemmy and Kbin crushed it by existing as alternatives. People who were unhappy just went there and settled.

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Another community having the possibility of posting something you don’t approve of when nothing is actually illegal, nobody is actually getting hurt, and you could just have blocked that community (or even just offending users) for yourself in the first place is just a really dumb reason to force the whole instance to defederate from it.

It’s up to Ernest what happens, but I’m not on board for unnecessary censorship of cartoons, of all things. I honestly worry for you.

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Other people need to stop acting like all software automatically justifies subscription pricing.

For every country I’ve lived in outside of Japan, I think these would be valid concerns.

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Destiny 2 also happens to be a total confusing mess if you simply want to try to get into it now rather than seven years ago.

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I thought Reddit was down to just sell data to whoever was willing to pay for it. Where do 5th amendment protections fall under that circumstance?

I’d say the cult Apple haters are generally more toxic in their language and aggressive in gate-keeping.

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Ads don’t bother me as much as their invasiveness. I block ads because…

  1. if a business is dirty enough to resort to interference with popups to get attention, I’m not spending money there. Period.
  2. I don’t want to support mass surveillance perpetrated by the industry.

Give me simple tech ads on tech sites, grocery ads on store fronts, travel ads on travel articles, etc.

Why do people care so much about the color of their bubbles?

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I might be a little more upset if I could remember the last activision blizzard game I felt was worth playing.

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You know what will make kids immediately and tangibly safer? A complete ban on firearms. You know what would make their lives immediately and tangibly better? More school funding, less book banning, better paid teachers, better paid parents, affordable healthcare, parental leave…

This bill “protects children” in name only.

I had like 2 posts that I considered useful. They were guides on how to get twin stick controls on goldeneye 007 emulation for android and how to make CHD compression work on apple silicon. Rather than delete them, I copied them over to kbin then replaced the Reddit posts with links to those. That way Redditors can still access the guides, but they’ll have to leave Reddit and see a little fediverse to do it.

As a teacher of children I’m beginning to think maybe it actually would be better if fancy LLMs just took my job.

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I don’t know anything about this game, but none of the videos look even remotely appealing to me. It just looks like an AI fever dream mishmash of frequency fadding genres. What am I missing with this?

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I expect it to be worse next year, and even worse the year after that.

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Is there a way to read without the invasive trackers? I’m fine with ads, just not the cookies.

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Maybe it’s because I’m getting older, but it always seems to me that kids are living in a world where they need to as present in their digital realities as much, if not more than, their actual ones. At work it seems like they are trying to be in two places at once sometimes.