Found this out in the wilds of Nova Scotia. Looked like Debian to – 418 points –

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Er. Am I the only one to comment that this is a refreshing change to all the displays in shops, airports, etc that show the many ways that Windows errors and BSODs?

Linux on the desktop? Hell no, it's on 80' billboards.

(It's not Arch btw)

Since the Raspberry Pi has been released it's pretty common.

Running Windows for digital signage always struck me as an absolute waste of computing power. Just shove some low power Linux SBC into it and forget about it for about a decade or so

A lot of the time, the whole company that runs the signage uses Windows, and the signage just uses one of their standard PCs with their standard Windows image. They probably already have a bunch of spares. Makes it easier for IT if they don't have to support another configuration.

I just said "You know when Linux has taken over the world? When you don't see blue screens on billboards."

Same here, was at the airport just last week and saw two screens running windows, absolute joke.