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Unfortunately boring distributions don't get recommended because users of boring distributions don't bother commenting on distribution discussions.

And it's really unfortunate that obscure distributions have more vocal fans, because boring distributions are much better for beginners.

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Luckily not even the Cybertruck is immune to those

My car (Citroën) has a contact less key, I don't have to get it out of my pocket and the car automatically opens.

But it still includes a small physical key to open the car when the battery (of the car or key) is dead.

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GOOG-411 was created specifically for Google to gather voice samples, with different ages, accents, etc. to train voice recognition. It was never for the sake of providing a service.

So if the average is roughly 10/20, that's about the same as responding randomly each time, does that mean humans are completely unable to distinguish AI images?

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Crypto means cryptography, stop using it to talk about cryptocurrency.

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That's not how relations between employers and employees work.

It's like saying you don't need a democracy if the king cares enough about his subjects.

It might work for a time, but the power balance is such that you can't rely on the goodwill of leaders alone.

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It is very well produced but there is very little actual content. He kept showing the same clips and saying the same thing over and over.

Bottom line is "in Steam Deck reviews, media is claiming Linux is complex without any proof or example." You don't need 5 full minutes to say that.

Use Firefox if you want but don't donate to Mozilla. Money doesn't go to Firefox development anyway.

Also if they can afford to pay their CEO $3 millions a year, they don't need your donations.

Yes, it wasn't always the case. I was in the Silicon Valley in the 2000's and it was full of techies who really believed in the open web, and even Google was a proponent of open standards.

A few years later it seems like the tech matured enough that being technically savvy was no longer necessary to be a successful founder. Slowly it stopped being about technical innovations and became about raising money, product marketing, A/B testing, etc.

You don't inherit debt but they're paid on the estate before inheritance.

So you can't get just debt as inheritance, but debt are only lost for the creditor if the person who died had a negative net worth.

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It's SF, most of them probably take public transportation or Uber

Seriously, there are people buying phones to play high specs games on it?

There are platforms that are so much better than phones for gaming, and most people playing games on their phones are playing small F2P crap anyway.

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Who the fuck wears a VR headset walking in the street, let alone crossing a road?

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So they have to move to an office, any office?

Meaning they can no longer be remote but don't have to be in the same office as the people they manage?

That makes a lot of sense.

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Yeah, but everyone could see that as soon as they released it.

It doesn't matter how it's implemented, it could have been done as an app from day one.

But they made it a device instead because it makes it easy to raise funds and to get journalists to talk about it. As simple as that.

I would think his reference to god would be a sufficient argument to nullify his decision? As you said the US justice system is secular.

To be fair, cars are becoming less and less serviceable.

I had a light bulb that died on my car, and tried to change it myself. How hard could that be?

Turns out the light bulb is so buried under the engine I ended up giving up and bringing it to the shop. And often even independent shops can no longer service cars, you have to bring it to your maker's dealership because only they have the proprietary tooling to fix it.

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It's not weird, you can ask the recruiter or even the developer doing the interview what is the work environment (i.e. at the end, "do you have any question for me"). It's a perfectly valid question.

You don't have to go into details and go into a flamewar about Windows, at most just mention that it's not your preference.

I think it's better to avoid talking about how you "absolutely cannot tolerate", "hate" a given platform because that in itself could be a red flag to some interviewers. If you feel this way about Windows, maybe you'll feel this way about frameworks/libraries that has already been picked and be a pain to work with.

All cell phones connected to a Japanese network received a notification regardless of their carrier, brand or what apps they installed.

This is already way better than whatever reach X provides.

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You can't really blame the amount of stupidity online.

The problem is that ChatGPT (and other LLM) produce content of the average quality of its input data. AI is not limited to LLM.

For chess we were able to build AI that vastly outperform even the best human grandmasters. Imagine if we were to release a chess AI that is just as good as the average human...

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When needed, they can change it faster than Japan did.

Especially coming from Google, who was one of the good guys pushing open standards and interoperability.

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Most of them were not real manufacturers, but slapping their name on Chinese white brand phones.

We can already create enough abondance that no human starves, sleep outside or can't affotd medical treatment. Still look at the world.

Real world protest disrupt the daily life of the city (or country) making them impossible to ignore for politics and media. The government can respond with discussion or with violence but they have to respond.

Social media protest however can be completely ignored.

Way before "tldr" became something on the internet, research papers had an abstract and news articles had a lead that tells you what the article is about.

I think this article is very good but replacing the abstract/lead by a snug paragraph is not a good idea.

The fundamental difference is that flatpak is a good system, adopted by many distributions.

Snap sucks and only Ubuntu uses it.

They'll do like their Unity UI, wait many years until they realize their mistake then drop it.

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Question is - is Qualcomm going to do the same bullshit as their mobile ARM processors with the drivers?

Where you need to wait for their proprietary Linux driver to upgrade your kernel?

Please do it! That would help me convince my reminding friends to move to Signal.

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In my experience as soon as they get a web browser, people don't care. Most people are lost when they have to deal with the file manager on Windows anyway...

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Yes unfortunately they do.

In the 90's I wrote some Visual Basic applications, the only source code they had was isolated snippets to describe the buttons actions.

But most of the app was not based in source code but directly on a binary formal that VB could understand.

Yes, the problem is that the main reason people used Linux was because it was Free Software.

So a proprietary Linux didn't bring the usual benefits of Linux, it was just one more proprietary OS. And unlike BeOS or NeXT it didn't bring much to the table compared to Windows or other Linux distributions.

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I believe they sold the rights to some US company who is now managing the tld.

They specifically decided to profit off the fact that's it's an attractive tld, unlike tld like .ly and .ml where the country never intended for their tld to get a wide use.

I just don't like Linus because he's annoying and abuses clickbait thumbnails and titles.

Some of their videos (from other people than himself) are good, but usually I'll avoid LTT content all together.

For that reason I'm not really sure what happened, and I don't really care.

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I've never heard of RAM disconnecting in the laptop. They're clipped so I don't see how that could happen.

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They asked her already and she refused.

And as a bonus you have less customers to provide support to!

It would be better if the CEO could learn to read a prompter so it looks like he's not reading one.

This is pretty annoying to watch with his eyes looking above the camera and going left and right constantly.

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Because it's a good editor, it's open source and have Linux binaries.