How do you get around daily? to City – 5 points –

Just wondering how people here get around day-to-day.

I personally try to use a bike as much as possible, but end up driving because of the structure of US suburbia and being the friend with a car™.


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I live in the UK. I take the train to work, but I usually drive to the shops and for errands as there aren't any cheap supermarkets within walking distance. I do tend to walk into town as parking is a pain! And I do lots of walks around my towns parks.

Should really get on the bike train, but I don't have a great place to store it and I'm worried about getting killed by SUVs!

Oof, yeah the storage part is probably one of the hardest things tbh. If you commit to biking it is really nice, though u might still need to drive to get groceries and do errands if u carry a lot of stuff tbh.

That's the thing - when I shop, it's usually for a week or so and I can't carry all of that stuff on the back of a bike. All of the discount supermarkets are located on the edges of town in more industrial areas while all of the more traditional / expensive ones are within a 30 min walk.

I do barely use my car - WFH most of the time - and I'm glad I don't use it to commute any more. That really is hell on earth.

Yeah, that's a sticky situation. Low costs driven by lower cost of land acquisition. I will say if you didn't have the car you could probably afford the more expensive markets, but obviously going car free isn't for most people...

That said, its a lot easier to do grocery shopping walking or biking when you just do it for the next few days max. Though if the closest store is a 30 min walk its pretty inconvenient.

Absolutely. We have tried existing off the "express" store 5 mins from us but the prices are killer. We have had to switch almost solely to the discount markets because of the cost of living.

I barely use my car so I have thought about selling it, but we don't have a reliable car hire scheme in my town so if I needed one for work I would be screwed. I think though that the savings from being car-free would in no way balance out the costs from the expensive supermarket. Difference of a weekly shop is like £50!