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I feel that this problem has only got worse with the popularity of SUVs. I live in a small town in the UK with a large number or wealthy residents who love their posh Land Rovers. They make driving around the streets a mess - lots of waiting for people to pass due to an effective one way street or because their car is way too big and I can't safely squeeze past them. If they all had regular cars like me traffic would be able to move a lot easier.

I work in the media industry. Yes, sometimes there are times when you have to work like hell. But it shouldn't be this way by default and expecting people to work insane hours to compensate for a lack of planning is stupid, unnecessary and burns out your team. If you really think like this, you're the kind of person I would never want to work with.

By the sounds of the article the director didn't understand how to plan for 3D animation - which just makes them a bad director who made others spend time fixing their mistakes.

Really pleased to hear this. I will be staying on Beehaw for the foreseeable future, I'm on the same page as the admins.

The Fall Out Boy remix of Hand Crushed By A Mallet by 100 Gecs ( is absolutely fantastic, a brilliant pop punk cover right up until the end when it's just melted into absolute fucking noise. I get it, it's Gecs. But just let it be a good cover - please.

Looks like they did get the message with their most recent album as it's a lot more listenable.

So - the announcements are in Greek, they've just modernised the buses. Cool. Seems like it should be something used more often by the locals.

There has got to be more to this story. Do the buses get stuck in the same traffic jams as other cars? Are they infrequent? Do they only service certain areas?


We need to start having waste be part of the consideration when producing a product. If your product is meant to last a long time, there should be a strategy for bringing it back and recycling it fully. This goes for computers, phones, cars, whatever!

Fantastic article. I didn't realise libraries were doing so much - but it's clear that they are struggling. We should be funding institutions like this absolutely - but also funding housing and health more. If people had a place to live and a place to be healed the library wouldn't have to pick up the slack.

Regulate SUVs / Pickup Trucks properly for safety and tax the shit out of them. Nobody needs these cars, they're status symbols first and foremost. Make it preferable to own a small car.

I have owned a SUV in the past - Toyota Rav. I really liked that car. It was a pain to park and I scraped it a few times, but it felt nice to be higher up and comfortable, especially when I was a new driver.

I know in hindsight now I don't need any of those things. I'm a lot more confident as a driver and am perfectly happy with smaller cars.

You should watch Not Just Bikes' video on Light Trucks, it's pretty eye opening.

Amen to that!

It's a status symbol. I used to live next to tradies who would laugh about a guy turning up on the worksite with a cheap Ute or an automatic transmission. Having a big, powerful muscle car is - as Nick Offerman describes it - like having a carapace for these men to hide in and feel protected.

Lots of cities around the world have got rid of their tram systems in favour of private cars and are only now starting to realise that was a very bad idea for the most part.

I'm fine with historic tramways - but is it going to be fit for purpose if people start using it like a modern metro?

Absolutely. We have tried existing off the "express" store 5 mins from us but the prices are killer. We have had to switch almost solely to the discount markets because of the cost of living.

I barely use my car so I have thought about selling it, but we don't have a reliable car hire scheme in my town so if I needed one for work I would be screwed. I think though that the savings from being car-free would in no way balance out the costs from the expensive supermarket. Difference of a weekly shop is like £50!

There's a local repair cafe that runs once a month near me - I should go next time it's on, at least to say Hi! There might also be a thing or too I can learn.

Fortnite. It's free!

Great article. It's so sad that the homelessness problem is outweighing the desire for shade and public space. I feel that it's definitely the bigger problem of the two, but also more complicated to solve.

I agree with you - but from personal experience of growing up in a cookie cutter, isolated suburb it's the kind of place that does something bad to you psychologically. Living in a walkable (dare I say 15 minute?) town now has done wonders for my mental state compared to when I lived in the suburbs.

It's mad. We got drunk on cheap petrol and look where it got us!

It's a joke that this kind of expense is expected as normal for road infrastructure but when you propose spending the same on rail or public transit it's always "but so expensive!" "What a waste of money!" "Who's paying for it?"

So what if a transit project is over budget? People will use it, and it's possible for these projects to have more ways of measuring value than fare takings - nobody questions the fact that driving your private car on the motorway is free!

That's sad. But do you think it's less to do with wanting to own a bigger car, and more that regular people can't really afford to buy new cars anyway? So the sample size is skewed in favour of rich people (or moderately well off) who can actually afford a new car in the first place?

Maybe that's why we are seeing a surge in e bikes.

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I live in the UK. I take the train to work, but I usually drive to the shops and for errands as there aren't any cheap supermarkets within walking distance. I do tend to walk into town as parking is a pain! And I do lots of walks around my towns parks.

Should really get on the bike train, but I don't have a great place to store it and I'm worried about getting killed by SUVs!

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That's the thing - when I shop, it's usually for a week or so and I can't carry all of that stuff on the back of a bike. All of the discount supermarkets are located on the edges of town in more industrial areas while all of the more traditional / expensive ones are within a 30 min walk.

I do barely use my car - WFH most of the time - and I'm glad I don't use it to commute any more. That really is hell on earth.

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Plexamp is what I use. It's the closest feel to using my iPod touch back in the day. I just wish there was a better way to display archived podcasts!

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