How MAGA broke the media

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 80 points –
How MAGA broke the media

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Ok, so everything conservatives stand for is wrong? And everything progressives stand for is objective truth? Or are you only referring to climate change?

Also Trump is not an anti vaxxer. Don't you remember "Operation warp speed"? Maybe you should find more variety in your news sources.

Also, discussions during COVID regarding school closures and vaccine mandates are not the same as denying vaccine efficacy. I hope you aren't confusing those issues. Yes I'm sure there were anti vaxxers on the news from time to time, but you seem to think it was super common. That's not what I remember at all.

Ok, so everything conservatives stand for is wrong? And everything progressives stand for is objective truth?

Did I say that? I did not.

As for Trump not being an anti-vaxxer:

It's not even just COVID vaccines:

I’ve seen people where they have a perfectly healthy child, and they go for the vaccinations, and a month later the child is no longer healthy,” he said on Fox in 2012. “It happened to somebody that worked for me recently. I mean, they had this beautiful child, not a problem in the world. And all of a sudden, they go in, they get this monster shot. You ever see the size of it? It’s like they’re pumping in—you know, it’s terrible, the amount. And they pump this into this little body. And then all of the sudden, the child is different a month later. And I strongly believe that’s it.

"Operation Warp Speed" was over 4 years ago. He's figured out since then that his fans don't like vaccines.

Actually you are probably right about him shifting. There are a lot more anti vaxxers now, after COVID, than there were before.