Sometimes it’s the simple things you love. What’s yours? to Cars - For Car – 19 points –

Everyone likes to look at the legends, but admiring what you have already is the key to happiness. This is my 6th gen Honda Accord, the first V6 model. It only puts out 160 WHP and 155 lb/ft of WTQ, but it has enough acceleration to put you back in your seat and is fast enough to pass everyone on the highway. Most importantly though, it’s mine.

What other “normal” cars do you think are under appreciated?


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My car sure isn’t fast, but it’s so damned comfortable and easy to drive. Volkswagen Tiguan is an absolute treat to drive and since it isn’t too big it is suited to city, suburban, rural and cross country with my whole family. Best car I’ve ever had.

My dad had an R line that he let me borrow while he was away on holiday and man, if I had the money to purchase one I would

I’ve driven a Tiguan before! Actually, I took my driver’s test in one haha

Yeah, they’re very smooth vehicles. I bet a road trip would be perfect in one of those!

Excellent road tripping car, wife and I took the Tig from Brisbane down to Sydney and back with the cat along even. Turned out really well, and we fit everything inside perfectly! Only had to fill twice per trip too so economy really isn’t bad.