
6 Post – 142 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I think they meant a quarter of the population being illiterate, that is, that fact that such a statistic exists, is “fucking nuts,” not the illiterate population themselves.

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Hypermiling. The act of getting the most gas mileage out of your car. When you get into it, there are an insane amount of factors that play into it all, from driving habits, aerodynamic car mods, engine mods, power usage, tires, wheels, suspension, etc. the rabbit hole is deep, my friend

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Don’t see ads for it anymore either. I kinda miss the old “how it feels to chew 5 gum” ones

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Yeah, “jumped” is supposed to be “jumps”

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I was at a set of train tracks behind a large truck. Well, in front of him, a car was stalled with hazards on. He looks behind him, backs up to go around the guy, and taps my front bumper. Dude’s truck was so large he couldn’t even see me in the rear view, and the side mirrors made me invisible since the wheel wells were so wide.

I don’t even drive a tiny car or anything, just a mid-sized sedan….

I hate driving or riding in large vehicles though. I feel like they’re tall, unwieldy, and I’m short, so I usually can just see high enough to drive but always feel like I’m about to hit everything. Can’t imagine having one as a daily driver.

Based kid

Watch those wrist rockets!

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Me getting into gaming: Woo! Lots of fun games on my Xbox with cheap used games!

Me getting into computers: Yeah, this is great! A bit more expensive, but plenty of potential, just gotta keep it in budget!

Me getting into cars: …fuck

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“Dope” lingo aside, I actually agree with the statements made in the article. I wish he would touch on the increasing safety standards and the like, but in general, yes. Cars are getting overall very, very large, and SUVs and Pickup Trucks are everywhere now, despite most people not needing them. I don’t pretend to know why, but it’s increasingly common.

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Fun fact:

28 Zebraforce is equivalent to 1 Dragonforce

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I take it this is more like it?

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I wonder how this would stand up to water under the deck?

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Humans create an AI computer. They propose the question of how to get more energy. Then, they wonder what will happen once the energy they collect runs out. So they decide to ask the AI, “can entropy be reversed?”

The AI responds “insufficient data for a meaningful answer.”

This repeats for generations. Trillions on trillions of years. And eventually, after everything has left, mankind is no more, and all that remains is the AI in a state of hyperspace, between spatial reality, it finally decides it has enough data. Its response to this collection is to take it upon itself to reverse entropy, and release energy back into the universe.

Its final command is: “LET THERE BE LIGHT.”

Hi! My name is- (^what?)

My name is- (^who?)

My name is-

Chicka-chicka (^CRIPPLING SILENCE)

Roundabouts in the US are a nightmare. Not sure how it is in the rest of the world, but it is complete ass over here. Nobody uses them correctly, I swear

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Why do I need to pretend that this post is interesting? I mean, isn’t it? By its nature, it’s an intriguing idea. Give a group of commenters a task, and see the reactions. Will they disagree? Call you out? Ignore you? Or in this case, we’ve seen more interaction than your average post, with the comment to vote ratio being higher than most, and many of them expressing themselves in some wildly different ways. Ultimately, there is no need to pretend this post is interesting, because in my opinion, it actually is.

That’s why the only take I have ever found that’s reasonable regarding religion goes a bit like this:

Hell is not real. Not in the literal sense, anyway. We all go to “heaven” or whatever afterlife it is, but we get a chance to reflect upon our entire lives. If you were a good person, then you may feel some regret for the harm you caused others, but you can generally feel satisfied with your previous existence. If you were a terrible person, you probably wouldn’t want to be around a being such as God, which, if he’s everything he’s cracked up to be, is the most “goodness” that ever good-ed. So by extension, your “hell,” your “separation from God,” would be the guilt that drives you away, by your own accord, despite his forgiveness, and not actually a sentence that you are condemned to.

I can see some merit to that thinking, at the very least it’s not completely unfair as we see with so many mainstream religious takes.

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“The knights who say “ne!”

Definitely 1. I have a terrible visual memory though, so while I can precisely pinpoint details in my mind’s eye if I can imagine it, recalling things I’ve seen is just not it

Oddly enough, this doesn’t apply so much to mechanical devices or technology. I can see and imagine an entire engine bay disassembled in my mind, or a computer with all its components split apart, but faces? The layout of a kitchen? A parking lot? What color someone’s wearing? Instantly shit don’t work


((ALIVE!!!)) For a whiiiiile… (No choice!!) Gotta follow the laws of the wild!

You know what?

I’ll compromise. Only 10 pushups now, but I’ll do another 10 every hour for the rest of the day. Deal???

My wife and I have a pretty simple method. First, we each have our own bank accounts with our own spending money. Then, we have a joint account that we use for bills. Finally, we have a separate bank that we use for groceries and gas.

With these allocated separately, we can each have our own spending money, and have enough in every other account to take care of what we need. The paycheck just gets split between these in different direct deposit amounts.

The most important thing is to understand your costs, plan them out, and be aware of what comes out and when. Then, you just follow that plan. The biggest part is making sure you know that you can only spend exactly that much on yourself, which is where our individual accounts come in handy. Whatever we want to buy, we can, because we know safely that our needs are taken care of.

Since we have our math to allow more money in than money out, each account (minus our spending ones) accrue their own savings, and can be transferred between at any time. Overall, it works for us.

I made one post already, i just feel like I’d be spamming if I kept posting with so few other members. Maybe that’s just in my head, because I’m sure i could post some interesting content lol

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“Upon her return to the United States, Handler redesigned the doll (with help from local inventor-designer Jack Ryan) and the doll was given a new name, Barbie, after Handler's daughter Barbara. The doll made its debut at the American International Toy Fair in New York City on March 9, 1959.[13] This date is also used as Barbie's official birthday.“


Definitely stupid, that is the worst way to save fuel.

Personally, I’m not usually up for getting the best mileage out, but knowing the tips is definitely nice if I know I need to save. Not to mention, the aero mods are beneficial for performance driving too, and it’s a passive thing, which is nice.

Almost certainly this is not the case, except maybe in extreme circumstances. My car, for instance, gets approximately 25 miles per gallon average, traveling at highway speeds of 80ish MPH average. If I drop to 70 MPH, I can get 30 miles per gallon.

This is because the ultimate factors in gas mileage are fairly simple. Your engine RPM will increase fuel, and the higher your speed, the higher your RPM is required to be to put you at that speed. The amount of RPM increase needed to put you at a higher speed is more than the rate of engine time running. In other words, increasing horsepower requirements is more costly than engine runtime requirements. You can leave an engine idling for an hour and use less than a trip a few miles down which may take only minutes.

That said, while going slower saves gas, the biggest part will be the acceleration/deceleration parts of it. Accelerating takes much more power in a short amount of time to get your speed up, so the faster your acceleration, the more your RPMs will spike, and the more your fuel consumption is. Deceleration too. Letting your engine coast, or leaving it in gear while not accelerating, means your engine is using little to no fuel and yet is still rolling forward. The more you can take advantage of this, the less fuel used.

In the case of high acceleration and harsh braking, you turn a lot of energy into motion, and then convert that energy to heat for the brakes. If you turn a little energy into just enough motion to get you there eventually, and then let the engine slow down until it almost stops as you arrive, you waste the least energy. Ideal real world is somewhere in the middle.

This is generally the situation that prompted my post. When I pass on the left, I will speed up compared to the rest of the traffic flow before moving back to the right, but I still leave plenty of room just in case I need to stop or slow down. People behind me or in front of me don’t usually tend to do that.

I hate seeing a clump of like 3-4 cars in front of me all bunched together hitting their brakes in series because they didn’t leave room between them while the guy in front is already doing 80mph or something.

What’s more convenient is everything using the same connector, but who knows when/if that will ever come about…


I mean I feel like the past decade has been mostly iffy, but… 30 years? Seriously?

I’ve definitely seen some cool looking cars post 1993.

bursting into flames after my 11th Ramen bowl that day

♪ He's gonna take you back to the past ♪

♪ To play the shitty games that suck ass ♪

♪ He'd rather have a buffalo ♪

♪ Take a diarrhea dump in his ear ♪

♪ He'd rather eat the rotten asshole ♪

♪ Of a roadkill skunk and down it with beer ♪

♪ He's the angriest gamer you've ever heard ♪

♪ He's the Angry Nintendo Nerd ♪

♪ ​He's the Angry Atari Sega Nerd ♪

♪ He's the Angry Video Game Nerd ♪

💀 Bro

Me using a late 90’s model car from 2002 that I plan on keeping for a million miles if it will let me

To some degree. We’ve seen prices rise in the pandemic and drop back down substantially over time back to pre-pandemic numbers. Look at price trends for construction supplies, for instance. Not sure if that is what you’re referring to, however

Leroy and Laramie

Nah, it’s just a thick-ass washer is all

At high speeds, spraying your windshield will result in some overspray from the wind, meaning the person behind you gets their windshield sprinkled with drops of washer fluid

Not at all the way I read it, but I can see your thought train