Final Fantasy VII (PS1) - Aerith's funeral to – 25 points –
Aerith's/Aeris' Funeral Scene From Final Fantasy VII

Does this make anybody…cry?


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I didn't get into Final Fantasy until 8. So I've always known she dies. It didn't do anything for me when she did.

Same. Plus the characters are meh in FF7 in my opinion, I didn't really get attached to them.

I've only played FF7 for the first time recently. I'm in the process of playing FF8 right now and honestly, I care about the story and characters more in the latter. I don't know if it's an age thing, or having been spoiled for so long on FF7 plot beats but not FF8, or what. 8 seems to be striking more chords for me.

Who doesn't like a cheerful and full of hope Selphie? Or a cool duster wearing guy? Or a Man with a Machine Gun? Even Squall, the stereotype has an okay-personality while Cloud seem so... empty?