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That's just an excuse. WB choose when to activate the servers. They could have easily put them online for reviewers.

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It's pronounced Shitter

If they wanted to fire the "bad performers" then they'd be firing the CEOs and higher ranked people, not those actually making the products work.

Remember when they promised Overwatch players would be fine, and they wouldn't be forced to play OW2? Remember when they touted OW2 as being different for having the basis of PvE missions and more story based content?

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Just as an FYI, the user who posted "what funding?" Works for Larian; director of publishing.

Neither of those use the 2e rules, which are quite different from Pathfinder 1e.

No, they're right. Everyone was talking about it when it came out. It's also the first Supergiant Games game and really put them on the map.

Seriously. Gale started hitting on my friend because he would interact with him regularly. And my friend just picked the "you misunderstood, we're just friends" option. Gale was like "sorry pal, let's keep being good friends" - hasn't brought up wanting to take things to the next level since.

"As long as it's only cosmetics" has moved the goalposts from where we used to be on the matter. I completely agree it's bullshit.

The Tales Of series has been bullshit. Used to be fun collecting new costumes from hidden events and side quests. Now half of the interesting costumes are either DLC or different edition bonuses which you can later purchase as DLC.

Any way you can play it is the best way.

I personally love the SNES version, many people say the DS version is the definitive, though I dislike the anime cutscenes from the PS1 it includes, the new translation, and the additions they made are awful.

I've heard the PC version has been fixed and is a great way to play it now, as well.

Yea, I wouldn't give them any money, though. The actual creators got fucked and any purchases of the game go to the people that fucked them. Great game, but I'd sail the seas for it.

I'm not sure if it helps you at all, but there some waypoints you can jump to. In fact, there are waypoints both right near the druids grove and one in the goblin encampment.

In regards to what you're doing, there are journal entries that keep track of quests step by step so you can see what you've learned in each as you've progressed.

Played and beat Final Fantasy 8 for the first time. Bit of an unpopular opinion, but I enjoyed everything about it more than FF7 (which i also played for the first time a few months ago). As a long time JRPG player, the mechanics were really interesting and fresh. I liked the majority of characters more as well. Maybe it's just the fact that I'm coming to these games 20+ years later and don't have the nostalgia for them - I'm not sure. I can definitely see why people loved FF7, though I'm not one of them.

I'd love anybodies thoughts on this and their opinions on the two games!

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They sold to Full Screen, who much later sold to WB. The problem with selling yourself to a larger, public company.

Surprised this hasn't been said more in this thread, to be honest. All it seems to be is Breath of the Wild and Soulslikes.

I've tried 3 different Monster Hunter games, I've really tried to see what people enjoy about them. But the controls are so awful, the loop is tedious, and I could never find anything good to say about them. This series truly confuses me.

I'm actually playing FF7 for the first time on a handheld emulator. I've previously tried to play FF4 and FF6 (several times) but couldn't really get too far in before giving up. I'm nearly 8 hours into FF7 now and, while it's definitely a bit dated in terms of controls (and obviously graphics), I'm having a much better time with it and as it stands, can see finishing it if it keeps going like it is. I just made it to the open world.

No, what killed it was them taking on too many high profile licenses at the same time and trying to juggle high workload and high demand with short turn around. Pair that with the fact that they change and work on things between episode releases, too.

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It's okay, don't worry. They "don't really think of [their] game as fitting with any particular label".

Tldr, the games director never referred to it as a live service game (even though it has all the elements of one and takes a lot from other live service games).

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I'd love to hear why, personally. Wasn't a huge fan of Alan Wake 1, so the huge outcry for the sequel has been a bit odd for me, and would like to hear the other side of the coin.

My experience with people who have played Cyberpunk is being told that if I don't expect it to be the game they advertised it was going to be, that its great.

Which makes no sense to me.

Jump Ultimate Stars was huge among the kids in my high school. I probably wouldn't have heard about it if not for the big anime geeks. The pixel art was great, too. Really found a way to mix the different series' styles.

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Well the great news is you won't be making that mistake in the future. Hopefully others have learned their lesson as well. Fuck modern blizzard.

Unfortunate, you've missed a great crew that found great chemistry after the pandemic.

For clarification, Golden Sun was mostly 3d rendered models. They purposely made them to have a resemblance to pixel art since they needed it to both fit in a GBA cartridge and screen, and not look ugly while doing all that. Also I believe it is on Switch now if you pay for online and have the GBA emulator (which I personally don't pay for and never will).

I still replay the series once every couple years, though. Fantastic series.

That's one of the few HD2D that looks good to me. In my opinion, Octopath is way too dark, sepia toned, and saturated. It's not a very pretty game in my eyes. In Star Ocean and Live A Live, the characters don't look like they fit in the world; the difference between the 3D environments and the pixel characters is too stark. But I'm quite interested in DQ3.

They've been caring less about artists and the community in recent years.

At cons, they used to pay for artists hotels and give them free booths to set up, now artists get nothing and have to pay something like $750 for a booth.

Do any of the reviews mention anything about the UI? One of my issues while watching the first released videos and clips of this switch version was how boring and basic the UI was looking. Wondered if that was just a gripe on my end or if it effects some of the people to actutally play it. I understand it's a small complaint but it can really change how a game is for me.

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Yea, I'm not going to give them any money. Fuck'em.

...I've already bought this game a bunch, but why not have another avenue in playing it? Truthfully I'll still probably play the SNES version.

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$80, please!

Sam & Max Hit the Road! It's awesome.

If you ever go on YouTube not logged into your account (or in a provate browser), the default stuff on the homepage are: one lo-fi stream, Mr. Beast latest video, and the rest is all right wing feaemonger stuff.

Haha, this was suburban Canada.

I would recommend MGS3, personally.

I also just got it on sale. I told a friend my dream game was a sim where you scrap and dismantle different Star Wars ships and vessels - they pointed me towards this game right during the sale. It's been a lot of fun!

So did I. Even though I had sort of fallen out of love with Overwatch at that point, I was actually pretty excited for the story/PvE stuff. Then to be presented with the steaming pile of dung they gave us was just an insult to me.

I feel like what they did to FF7 is what they'd do if they ever remade Chrono Trigger, and that's why I'm pretty against a remake of that one.

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My only suggestion would be to take your time and take breaks between them to play other games. They're great, but they're all very similar. An easy recipe for burnout.

Yea, I don't know. I disagree with the others. They're definitely not modern games, but I think they're both still quite good games individually.

I got a retroid pocket 3+ for Christmas. Loaded it up with JRPGs, but this list seems like some fun games to play when I finish one so I don't burn out on that genre. Thanks a lot!