Prepare for Putin pivot to invade us, say Baltic states to World – 360 points –
Prepare for Putin pivot to invade us, say Baltic states

Diplomats say Putin’s brutalisation of Ukraine has brought back darkest memories of occupation under Stalin

Nato must be ready for Russia launching an “existential” war against the Baltic states “masked by a blizzard of disinformation”, ambassadors from the three countries have warned.

Writing exclusively for The Sunday Telegraph, the top diplomats to the UK from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania said that Russia could “pivot quickly” from Ukraine to invade the Baltic.

And they said that Vladimir Putin’s brutalisation of Ukraine is evoking the three countries’ “darkest memories” of occupation under Stalin.

The Estonian ambassador Viljar Lubi, the Latvian ambassador Ivita Burmistre, and Lithuania’s charge d’affaire Lina Zigmantaite, wrote the joint article to mark Friday’s 20 year anniversary of their countries acceding to Nato.


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You’re not wrong, but which came first, Biden & UK saying that stuff to Zelensky, or Trump getting cozy with Putin on Twitter, meeting with him privately in Helsinki, Russia’s election interference, and Trump’s insurrection attempt, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine? Maybe I’m just not clear on the timeline. Would you mind putting those in chronological order for me?

Putin invaded Ukraine because NATO tried to invite Ukraine which went against the deal with Russia.

Blaming that on the orange man who just slushed some cash away to mar-a-lago is saying a lot about how much the average Biden voter understands about Geopolitics

Woah! NATO was invading Ukraine?? Are these the mental gymnastics I keep hearing about?

invite Ukraine

Reading is truly difficult

Ah my bad. It’s still early in my part of the world. So hadn’t Trump also been talking about NATO in a manner that kind of undermined its strength and encouraged an attack from Russia during his presidency as well?

NATO promised Ukraine not to expand eastward for a very long time and did so anyways. GDF has a good video on it

Putin offered a truce in 2022 for guarantees that Ukraine wouldn't join NATO.

I see. It was kind of Ukraine’s choice, but US and UK saying they’d have Ukraine’s back probably tipped the scales significantly. I understand why Putin wouldn’t want such a close neighbor being a NATO member, and preemptively laid claim to the territory and started a war that (surprise, surprise) US and UK don’t like financing. Still, I think Putin might not have been so bold if Trump wasn’t such a fanboy and there had been some actual repurcussions for Crimea under Obama.

Possibly but if Biden actually cared he could have sent them far more weapons by now. Instead Ukraine seems to be used to bleed Russia dry and when all the Ukrainians are dead cannon fodder America is just going to leave it.

Currently Biden is able to send weapons to Ukraine just like how he did for israel, yet Biden is not using those options.

You know there's completely different preexisting laws and contracts for the two and that he can't for precisely that reason. You're a liar

You know that's a lie, and that makes you a propagandist supporting a genocidal dictator

No it's been openly said on the news and there were plenty of articles about it

Yes lies are often openly said in the news, that's the point of lies.

But you know that's not their actual reason.

No it's quite clear this is their actual reason. They offered a truce for it.

In any case since you're so smart go tell Biden to send weapons to Ukraine. Since Biden is so committed to infinite war at least give the Ukrainians something more than a few sticks to fight with.

They did not. They pretended to offer a truce.

Actually it's a reason they invented after the fact. The initial reason were supposed to be "Ukranian terror attacks in Russia" which were going to be false flags by Russia themselves, but UK and USA called them out on it in advance and then they invented different reasons. If they had a legitimate reason from the start it would have been the one they lead with when invading, and yet the did not.

They have lied and lied and lied, and additionally they have ALSO broken numerous ceasefires.

Putin personally want to restore old Russia, that's the only reason for the war. He's the one who can end it right away.

I'm not American, I don't have any influence over that.