Not Again: United Airlines Boeing 777 Makes Emergency Landing In Denver to – 186 points –

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Exactly. I flew the 777 for a living. It's a tank. Extremely reliable, flies like a dream, plenty of power. I haven't flown the new generation 777 though and you can bet it's not as safe. Nothing Boeing makes now is.

I used to be a "if it's not Boeing I'm not going" pilot. I feel stupid now.

Airlines suffer the exact same problem. Greed. Boeing doesn't make the engines. GE does (or Pratt and Whitney). They are very reliable engines too. If they start failing in a specific airline, it's a maintenance problem.

Edit: also as comments started, this could be nothing but normal issues, haven't read the article. I stopped reading at "engine issues, including tyre falling off..." What??

By "new generation", do you mean the 777X? Boeing's production seems to have throttled down on it for a while now. I'm guessing they're pushing the 787 over it from what I can tell.