Insert Angry Lib Noises

Zuberi 👀 to Lefty – -21 points –

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Joe is doing the best job any man can in this situation, and that scares you.. so you whine like a little baby, and try to make it all his fault.. baby.. you have no solution, you just want to bitch at somebody..

send a letter to Hamas if you're sad.. tell them all about your feelings..

You sound exactly like a trump supporter. Crazy how you don't even realize you're the same thing as them. 🤣🤣🤣

Have fun licking the boot dude.

yeah, you go ahead and pack your shit and head to Palestine if you care that much, brave guy.. tell Hamas i said hi.. there are more bombs on the way.. somebody as busy as you are protecting Palestine i don't know how you have time to internet..

How dumb are you that you think the only two options are to either to go to Palestine and stop the genocide myself or support genocide? A guy who is taking like 3 million in bribes directly from the Israeli government.

Fuck Joe Biden and fuck you

that's right, you're an internet warrior, brother

Do you think youre an "internet warrior" for arguing with me and OP 🤣🤣🤣

You're a pathetic waste of space.

i hate to see you cry like that.. can i get you a juicy box or something..

You're basically a trump supporter. Anytime you think you're better than any of those hogs I want you to remember that you suck the dick of a fascist named Joe Biden and then you are you by name calling. I won't be wasting my time with a response after this, so have a nice life loser.

you're so dramatic, i think you're about to have a seizure

watchout.. Big Bad Joe is coming to get you..