Zuberi πŸ‘€

@Zuberi πŸ‘€@lemmy.dbzer0.com
27 Post – 806 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

DRS GME and end the ponzi. Bleed the 1%


wiki-user: Zuberi

Not entirely sure if they cater to Americans, but I do see that Germany recently opened up their "chancenkarte" opportunity visas this month.

Gunna check it out and put in-person for Germany. Appreciate it.

Entirely front-end as a job, but have my own dell server and play around with automation surrounding my website all the time. I did engineering software/product support and IT in the past, so back-end isn't entirely foreign to me but I wouldn't even consider putting that on my resume.

My specialty as of late has been automation surrounding javascript/selenium/python for various healthcare companies but I have also used that skillset for viewbots for various SMM portals (Spotify/Tiktok/Instagram/SoundCloud views/favorites/follows/etc).

Depending on the anti-bot methodology I either use Selenium w/ proxies or just use the programs API calls (such as w/ Spotify).

Passive income on things like this has been fairly nice w/ my schedule, but I am looking for a change of pace if I can manage to find a company that would work with me.

Appreciate the feedback :)

Yeah the job market seems really tough right now, and it seems even more hopeless for somebody like myself but I'm keeping out hope πŸ˜…

Most of my experience is with automation surrounding javascript/selenium/python for various healthcare companies. I own my own dell server and used to work in engineering software/product support, so the realm of devops isn't entirely foreign to me but I certainly wouldn't say I have a lot of "skills" associated with it other than the ability to google my ass off.

Have any suggestions on cheaper certs that might be worthwhile?

The pricing has always been the part that turned me off of most certs, just having looked through a couple of them Security+ is >$500 which seems insane to me.

Have applied via the state and via the federal gov. Nobody I've worked with has talked about a % based system, and when I search for it I only see things related to Veterans.

Is that a thing for SSI? Do you know if it only applies to veterans?

The orphan crushing machine shall stop...for now

No notice for 20,000 layoffs? Oops, 2 weeks from... uh, 2 weeks ago.

The key is to dip after changing the password on the vital database they decided one person was enough to manage ;)

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Good luck keeping down a solid dev team when other companies offer far more money and I don't leave the comfort of my own home

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Yet another company hurting massively for their bad bets in physical office space.

Silly boomers, it's 2023.

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Fuck Nintendo :)


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Wait until you need to back it up or move the drive or something. The difference is mind boggling.

I asked the community if there were tools. And they basically said "tools to direct copy the /home folder to an external drive?.." and I was like ~WTFitcantjustbethateasy~

Nah. No "backup" or "timeline" or "restore point" or other BS. You just back it up, reinstall, and drag it back over (you can do this LIVE even).

One restart will fix out any kinks and you're basically good to go.

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Will be really sad when the ransomware files get leaked on the IPO date lol

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Just change your Useragent, Microsoft is a bunch of dummies and didn't even bother to code it in a way that makes sense as a DRM lmfao.

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Texas and Florida are both genuinely fucked in terms of any civil liberties. Guns have more rights here than most of the state.

Love the desperate grab for revenue prior to IPO.

Too bad the ransomware is getting leaked as soon as they announce the IPO date.

Spez, you done played yourself.

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Lol at the 50% haircut since the API shit.

Can't wait to release this ransomware data this year 😍

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Exactly why the Brazilian and German governments are switching to linux machines

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Who tf uses messenger

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Codium you dorks

The same way I haven't seen an ad in years, I also use a paywall bypass extension.

So I guess it skips my mind sometimes; when none of these sites have had paywalls for years.

I would argue a good chunk of the people here would prefer the OG link so they can archive it themselves (or make an offline .html copy directly)

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I mean to be fair they only said they hope.

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If you haven't tried a linux distro since the release of the SteamDeck, I highly recommend you give gaming on linux a shot.

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We just need more of them, not some random group to get fucked out of their housing. Bleed the 1%

You won’t be able to disable that sort of things in most other phones, though.

LOL. You tryna sell me a Samsung at a 100% discount? Because I'd still maybe need you to cover shipping fees on that if that's okay? Not tryna pay more than $0 to get spied on.

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All my homies hate wall street

One is the tech, the other is an example of a type of the tech. A square is a rectangle, but a rectangle is not a square.

For most applications, this isn't necessary:

There are some examples like in biotech/finance that I personally believe will require a blockchain to be truly "fair" at the end

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And the dems are just going to let it happen too..

The CIA regularly intervenes in the reddit moderation process

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Definitely recommend a password vault to anyone that doesn't already use one. After this next hack leaks, I imagine you'll get at least a couple of attempts on your email/phone.

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You seem mad at ME because THEY don't give enough of a shit

I've been saying it for MONTHS. If they run biden they WILL lose.

I do not WANT them to lose, I am just informing you of the outcome babe.

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I also agree that it would be better if Biden actually did something to lessen the genocide

I can't believe you're justifying it as "only genocide abroad." Like wtaf?

Tell the DNC to take their head out of their ass or you're getting the fucking orange you dork.

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Imagine unironically defending Microsoft making their product shittier

Maybe they should just make the OS work on any computer? Kinda seems like they're shooting themselves in the foot, yeah?

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You didn't highlight the entire URL?...

Firefox already has this feature lol.

At the bare minimum, just drag the URL to the top bar.

They only deleted my account once I @'d them on LinkedIn about the violation.

FWIW, I personally didn't receive this email on any of the delete accounts.

Believe it or not, nobody can make you work if you said you're done.

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If the libs could read they'd be so pissed