Video Game Industry: $221B

Zuberi 👀 to – 12 points –

cross-posted from:

Gaming market expected to breach $500B by 2030.


The numbers will be a lot closer once someone can figure out how to get people to gacha for movies and music. For now, they're just going to have to be satisfied with subscription services.

I'd be curious how this all shakes out when including different product lines. For example, Disney movies are merchandised to high heaven. How does the licensing revenue that Frozen picks up add to the pot compared to Overwatch.

Well, movies and music doesnt come with microtransactions. Unless we count popcorn, and concert merch, i guess.

Huh, a new thought.. Micro? Why is it called "micro" transactions still when theres nothing micro about them any longer? Skins for 20$ and the like isnt exactly micro. Should probably be called desi-transactions. Deca-transactions in some cases.