The Easiest Way to Figure Out the Answer to a Particular Question is to Confidently Post the Incorrect Answer on Reddit or Lemmy

Zuberi đź‘€ to – 59 points –

I swear you don't even care about the answer, you just want to be "right."

Some might consider that arguing in bad faith, but I consider that a blue herring.


Stealing top posts of all time from Reddit and adding “or Lemmy” to the end? That’s a paddlin

Unless it's communism...

Then you'll have people who have never lived in former communist states talk about how it's actually the best system of government.

Get to the gulag you idealistic zoomer

I realize by doing this I am proving your point lmao

Have there ever actually been communist states? Sure, there have been states that called themselves communist, but that doesn't mean they are. What any 'communist' country is that I can think of is never representative of what communism usually is, it's usually some sort of dictatorship or oligarchy.

Actual communism would be quite different.

As someone who lives in a post Soviet country, that's not even close to communism, judging from the memories of my older relatives. And that's with them looking back with nostalgia

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Yeah Communism is a dead concept because it involves so much brain washing.

Its not that I'm some sort of capitalist diehard. There just isn't any other options.

How about the whole spectrum of economic systems in between? Socialism, barter, free-money economy, basically anything that does not have a class of people with generational wealth who do nothing but own things and pocket profits.

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