Rule to – 177 points –

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Well. In a one on one call with him once (he's my local member) I asked him why we could not protect individual rights with a charter of human rights.

I would describe the tone of his response as visceral.. He said to me:

"[I don't trust the courts in interpreting legislation like that. I would not want to give them an inch. Just look what they've done down in Victoria.]{paraphrased}

[As far as I'm concerned, the parliament is perfectly placed to decide what is, and is not a human right, and if you disagree with me, you can vote me out... ]{direct quote}"

I assume the VIC reference was to the judges that had been appointed most recently with track records of upholding human rights...

Please do everything you can to remove him from your local electorate!

Sometimes the best thing to do is just get out of their way...

Once a pig, always a pig.

Get fucked you potato-headed voldemort-ass motherfucker