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Joined 1 years ago

As Gabe Newell said: "Piracy isn't a pricing issue, its a service issue"

As my friend said: "every time a plastic video disc says " operation not permitted " a torrent is born...

As I say: "People will pay when it's easy, more reliable and more convenient." As a software product manager, I forbid my product from ever wasting developer cycles with copy protection.. It's expensive to deliver, annoying to real customers and doesn't make us any more money...

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I was also diagnosed late in life (mid 40s).

For me it became a significant impact in two places in my life:

  1. as my roles changed and I needed more ability to handle "blank page" type work assignments as I became more senior, rather than "survive this chaos" which I've always excelled at (given my ability to drop something, pick up something else, then revert later.) With previous "chaos surfing" roles, my now diagnosed ADHD was actually a secret super power (seriously, I managed turn ADHD into a career). As my roles became more "take this blank page, and figure out what to do, and make it into a project to make stuff better" I fell off a performance cliff.

  2. as 1 happened, my ramp up of symptom management routines started to impact my family. (I didn't actually realise this until my partner filled in her part of my diagnosis questionnaire. )

My Doc basically told me I had been doing everything they want ADHD patients to do to manage the impacts of their symptoms, but my level of challenge had reached a point where medication could help me live at an effort level below the 99.99% constant I had all the time.

He was right and it did..

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My favourite was when my GP gave me a list of 10 docs to call to see who was taking referrals for adult diagnosis.

Yeah, that list sat unopenend (combination of overwhelmed and totally forgot) till 6 months later when I had to see the GP again, I panicked, and I called all 10 in the 30mins before my GP appt and then was late for the GP and almost missed my GP appt...

Fun times..

Yes. I can hear to about 18kHz, so cheap USB chargers are no longer allowed in my house....

Worse, the EV chargers I used to work with had PEMs switching at 10kHz for the US UL variants. EVERYONE could hear those!!

Test your hearing range with this if you want...

I used the 10kHz tone to annoy the eng dept in the office till they changed the PEM switching freq to 20kHz....

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When running a business, you need to budget 3x salary for actual TCO of a staff member:

1x covers their direct salary 2x covers retirement fund, electricity, office space, and infrastructure items unlike server and laptops for corporate use etc.

The 3x multiplier is for when you're a services company, and that represents a possibly profit margin.

So for signal, your $380k becomes $190k which in my experience is average for a US tech sw dev at a mid to early senior level.

I donate to signal monthly and I have no problems with the costs they're posting. I work in SV tech and I've seen 20x worse numbers.

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FWIW GrapheneOS patched these storage bugs before they made it to their A14 beta.

Well, for one, Bob Sagat's performance would be described these days as "Bloated, wooden and just down right creepy.."

At least in Australia, Consumer Law means you have grounds to walk the TV back for a full refund.

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I get concerned when companies like Apple uses the "We won't break our application for demands of one country" argument as Australia, France, the USA and possibly other countries are either planning or already have similar legislation.

The right argument to have is the one that says "this is just plain wrong!". That is a much tougher needle to thread though.

Well. In a one on one call with him once (he's my local member) I asked him why we could not protect individual rights with a charter of human rights.

I would describe the tone of his response as visceral.. He said to me:

"[I don't trust the courts in interpreting legislation like that. I would not want to give them an inch. Just look what they've done down in Victoria.]{paraphrased}

[As far as I'm concerned, the parliament is perfectly placed to decide what is, and is not a human right, and if you disagree with me, you can vote me out... ]{direct quote}"

I assume the VIC reference was to the judges that had been appointed most recently with track records of upholding human rights...

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FWIW, Little known fact: Matrix 2 used real vuln (SSH CRC32) for trinity power grid hacking scene.

Even better to know: the scene was completed before the CRC32 vuln was public. So the scene used real 0day vuln...

For those wondering about James Cameron's comments, I'd thoroughly recommend watching the Deep Sea Challenger documentary. It is enthralling. I have a friend who actually worked on the sub and went on the expedition with Cameron. In his words: "to underestimate the safety requirements is, put simply, to die."

Please do keep voting with your wallet - its one of the few remaining ways to express our discontent!) That being said, I feel like both of those examples are where the service provided by adobe and then Netflix are terrible.

Adobe is making you buy a whole year and Netflix is hassling you for "letting your pensioner mum watch your account".. To me, both of those are examples of bad service (coupled with cost).

For me, a counter example for me is I hate what they're doing to the retail landscape but find it hard to resist, as I find them SOOO convenient, and their customer service (for now) is absolutely stunning!!! Now if their prices were too high, I'd personally probably pay for that convenience a bit. (Where there model breaks for me completely is warranty major purchases: I've had warranty denied by manufacturers for items purchased through non approved amazon resellers. So now, for me, anything over $100 and I'm looking for direct purchase from the manufacturer as a preference. )

For those interested in privacy respecting android, check out GrapheneOS on Pixel: De-googled android that is strong on security and rips google out of your device... Ive been using it for two years and won't go back. ::: spoiler Title


Sometimes the best thing to do is just get out of their way...

+1 for Thunderbird for Windows, OSX and Linux..

Had a miniature poodle go blind at my parents hiise when I was 17/18 and he was peeing everywhere in the house suddenly.

Spent a day watching and realised he was laying scent markers for navigation.

Cleaned up all the wee and started tagging the left side of every doorway with a different herb/spice (basil, thyme, Rosemary, paprika etc). Just grabbed some dried herbs and rubbed them in the bottom left of all the doorways.

Took the dog through the house on a lead, and let him smell each door and took him outside.

Pretty much stopped the inside peejng, unless we forgot to replace the herb/spice rubs, or mixed up which herb went where when we reapplied...

My friends started calling my place the KFC shack.

Depends on the price. I was able to return a 13 month old iPhone when apple announced the CSAM scanning (that they eventually abandoned) - I got a full refund. The phone costs enough that ACL considers it should operate for at least 2 years.

Self host with mail-in-a-box

Australia's Basic Online Safety Expectations made it required by law:

"If the service uses encryption, the provider of the service will take reasonable steps to develop and implement processes to detect and address material or activity on the service that is or may be unlawful or harmful"

Source: section 8

What is the app?

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I've used the 3x multiplier for staff planning at services companies since the early 2000s.

Perhaps there are regional differences, but they've rung true for planning billable rates of return at every services company I've worked at in the last 20 years here in AU.

I realise that the services aspect isn't relevant, but having the sum of indirect staff costs equivalent to staff salary cost when office space is involved isn't a massive stretch in my experience. (Indirect costs would include office rent, utilities, infrastructure and a share of shared functions such as IT, HR, facilities etc...)

Is this real or fabricated?

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And it was actually 0day when the production company made the scene...

I aplaud the write up and recognise that the OP has developed a solution that suits their use case.

Personally I started running my own mail around the same time, but host for several family members at the same time.

I went a slightly different route and pay for a mail filtering service for inbound filtering and outbound relay. All up costs me $90USD per year for inbound and $4 a month for outbound

This has solved most blacklist and outbound mail server reputation issues.

I used to run zarafa till they went commercial. I've since migrated to Mailinabox as a platform. Its pretty resilient. (I've just disabled greylisying and spam detection as I've got upstream MX filtering already) I've also recently been through a MiaB major upgrade - it was pretty simple once I actually read the instructions properly!

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Mac Port! Mac Port! Mac Port!

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If an article about The Onion drops on the web, does anyone think its real?

This video helped me more than I could have ever imagined with what you described. It helps me understand waaaaay better what's going on in my brain.

Fsck me I love FOSS sometimes!

As a product manager, I simply choose to overlook things like "implementation details" or "the laws of physics!!" /s 🤣

On a more serious note, I'm just reaching a point where I just want a small, reliable, and minimalist mp3 playing app for the Mac, as I'm starting to get sick of every single service wanting $20/m for stuff.

I pine for the whipping the Lamas ass winamp used to give...

There's a recreation in re:Amp for osx, but I'd much prefer OSS apps...

Generally, I'd rather go back to just buying the music I want, ripping it and putting it on the devices I want to listen to it from...

No confirmation bias in her assessment.... Noooooooo.....

DuoCircle but I've just checked and the service I pay $90/year for is now $50/month, which is bananas for my low email volumes.

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Yeah. I'm grandfathered in on a $90/yr plan for inbound which is workable.

First macbook air was ethereal, nas was bitbucket, first macbook pros deathstar then dreadnaught, second bigger nas was abyss...

More recently I've been using Neal Stevenson characters and themes.

Mobile wass "primer", high spec laptop was "reason", workhorse laptop was "chevaline"..

Work servers I've always liked two themes:

Chaos or medications:

Anarchy, bedlam, disturbed, chaos, mayhem, futility, entropy, maelstrom,

Sudafed, NyQuil, Tylenol, advil, codeine, morphine, panadol, Valium,

My WD RED NAS drives came with a 5 year warranty... My last synology NAS has had 5x 3TB drives powered on since 2013 - they have only been powered down to move house 5 times over that period.

What is the incentive for me to haul them out and hand them over?