That's literally what they're for (article in comments) to Lefty – 906 points –

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Do you think it’s impossible that the IWW does not have representatives in every part of the country…? I live in an area where there aren’t most major organizations. I had to start my own DSA chapter.

Go on. You said you’d walk me through the process. They have no reps here. What do I do now?

You haven't contacted them yet. Do you need me to email them for you and cc you?

Dunkirk, New York. You can email them yourself to see if they have a rep here. I’ll save you some time - they don’t. What now?

What's your industry? Are there any contacts at your local business that could also be interested in forming a union?

I’m a caseworker. There are only 25 employees. I have never spoken to probably 15 of them. Of the 10 I know well, maybe half would actually go through with forming a union. What now?

Now you email the IWW with the info you just gave me and wait for their response.

Do you take this same contentious nature to the rest of your cases?

After their response, what do they say or do to help me form a Union?

Have you gotten a response from them already?

Oh just planning ahead. If they respond (and there’s another user in this very thread saying they never responded to his emails), how exactly will the IWW help me form a Union? What’ll be involved? How can I form a Union when I don’t even have contact info for a lot of the employees here who don’t even know me?

The first step is starting that conversation with the IWW or if you'd like you can reach out to your local AFL/CIO labor board as well

But as far as what's going to happen next that hinges on you actually engaging with the process and sending an email.

I used the word navigate for a reason. If you need help during the process I'm happy to help.

If you just want to continue a thought experiment for the purpose of proving a point I'm not interested.

Oh. So you don’t have any idea as to how they “build you a union” or even an inkling as to what that means. You can just send emails (and god bless you for that!)

Well, that sure is inspiring. I’ll have to pass that off to all of my clients too. Who knew they didn’t have to be poor! They could just contact the IWW, join or have some unions built for them, and that’s an easy peasy improvement on their quality of life. Makes you wonder why they haven’t all done that already! Guess they just plum never thought about it.

And oh boy, I’ll tell all my coworkers right away about that link you sent me! They’ll be so excited to find out that by switching to AT&T they can save up to $10/month.

Heck, with your knowledge maybe all of social services will start with a call to the IWW. Guess we just never thought of it either! But you know us workin’ class types, we just don’t have all that crawling out of poverty experience that you computer sciency types too.

What straw man are you getting these statements from? I said none of that in anything I've posted here or ever.

What a bitter, disingenuous and sad person you are. I really hope your clients are served better than you're representing here.

I get it man. In your heart you want the best for people. Maybe you think you’re genuinely helping. But all this confident grandstanding about “just join a Union!” When you have no fucking clue, no experience, no knowledge about jack shit about past websites and links is embarrassing. And being embarrassed is okay, because that’s the only way you can develop as a person, but if you want to actually help people - real people in the world, you have to do better. This is just self-serving masturbation for yourself. You can be better than that. It starts by admitting where you don’t know things.

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You’re dodging the question in hopes of restarting the whole process. They don’t have a rep in my area. What now?

You're not acting in good faith. You haven't engaged with any union activities and are currently masturbating about it on Lemmy in a leftist meme thread. If anybody is dodging anything it's you.

If you're interested in joining or starting a union I'm very happy to help. But you're not, you're trolling.

The slightest opposition (not living in a major area) is enough to make you throw up your hands and go “this is impossible! It’s unrealistic!”. You can’t even entertain what forming a union is like for 5 seconds, you want to puff out your chest and tell everyone else to do it?

There’s no rep in the area. What happens next?

You haven't even taken the first step by sending an email. And I'm throwing my hands up? The amount of effort you're taking in engaging with me and you could've already started.

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