After the April 8th eclipse, what do you think will generate the next conspiracy theories? to – 89 points –

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Damn. There was literally a partial (full? idk partial for me at least) eclipse in the US during Trump’s term, which is how we got that amazing image of that fucking loser staring straight at the sun. Why do these inbred fucks thing this is eclipse is any different than any other eclipse that has happened?

Unrelated question, does anyone know if eclipse glasses expire? I’ll search this on my own but was curious.

The glasses shouldn't expire, at least not so quickly. But scratches might render them unusable.

Edit: See

Thanks for that video, I’ll check my shit tomorrow to make sure they’re still good, that way I’ll still have a day to make one of those pinhole slit viewer things if they’re not. Also JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THAT LAST ECLIPSE WAS SEVEN YEARS AGO WHAT.