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Cybersecurity professional with an interest in networking, and beginning to delve into binary exploitation and reverse engineering.

Bold of you to assume that a bunch of Marines in 2024 aren’t massive weebs.

Look, OP might have leaned in the direction of posting in the wrong community, but they didn’t actually do anything illegal ok.

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I’m like 50/50 on that being a bracelet or an Apple Watch on her right wrist. Honestly judging by hour it’s not further down I’m going with Apple Watch.

He’s releasing this abysmal attempt at damage control because a former Twitch employee blasted the details on Twitter yesterday. I doubt the chat logs actually get leaked, although given the fact that he’s almost certainly downplaying the vileness of the I wish they would be.

And his entire defense is “I never met up with her in person”. Yeah bro because you got fucking caught. This is not the defense you think it is.

Stfu with your nonsense.

Some of us drive 18-wheeled vehicles.

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The sisters are both teaching fifth grade in Minnesota

My question is do they get paid double the salary of a single teacher or not?

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Medium is the journalistic version of the gig economy apps, mixed with a bit of digital landlording. The correct thing to do here is to bypass any of Mediums paywalls you might run in to.

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I don’t. He’s going to be a delegate at the Republican Convention. He’s just as much a piece of shit as everyone else in that inbred family.

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Based on this interpretation libraries are stealing from book publishers and food banks are stealing from grocery stores.

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I think that the typical usage of that phrase is as cover for shitty companies to treat their workers like dog shit. If a company/manager is using that line then actually backing it up in their actions, more power to them.

Just to be clear, shitfuck Stone isn’t admitting to stealing an election or trying to steal an election, he’s implying that President Biden stole the election.

He goes on to say “We’re working on it: lawyers, judges, technology,”, so he’s definitely admitting to trying to steal this upcoming election.

So yes, same coup rhetoric, and I would like nothing more to see his front door ravaged by a battering ram during an early morning no-knock warrant raid, but you are taking that one specific quote regarding an election being stolen again slightly out of context. Everything else you said is totally valid based on everything else Stone said on camera though.

Wait, that doesn’t count as income and get taxed does it? I always assumed a court order payment wouldn’t be taxed because it’s only being awarded to make you “whole”. You don’t pay taxes on the money you get from your insurance when your car gets totaled, why would court ordered restitution be any different?

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I had no idea the term Luddite had any meaning beyond the colloquial definition of shunning technology in general. Thanks for giving me something to read about today.

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I don’t torrent, just usenet. I added Paw Patrol into sonarr and have an ungodly amount of episodes of that show. The only kids show i’ve ran in to issues getting personally was some newish winnie the pooh show, but a new season dropped recently and the backlog filled in basically overnight.

Edit - I’m missing one episode in season 5, fourteen in season 9, and twenty five from season 10. Not really sure why i’m missing so many from the more recent seasons, but with 101.9GiBs of Paw Patrol none of the parents I share my media with care when they can hit shuffle, and their four year olds definitely don’t give a fuck about which episode just dropped. Although I’m probably going to hyperfixate on this now and not sleep until i’ve grabbed everything that’s missing so thanks for that lol.

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Why would the sequel to a 4x game be anything like a space MMO?

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Ok, I’m not a bootlicker at all, but I definitely want to clear things up here. CS is banned for use in wartime between nations because deploying it runs the very real risk of escalation, especially if the belligerents both have access to not only CS but VX nerve agents. In the fog of war a unit hit with CS might hop on the radio and squawk out that they’re being gassed. The individuals within the unit aren’t going to know what they’re being gassed with, they’re just screaming “GAS GAS GAS!” and hurriedly donning MOPP suits. If you think your troops just got gassed with Vx, you very well might decide to utilize your own Vx reserves, which would then cause the other belligerent to break out their Vx reserves, and next thing you know you’ve got another Ypres on your hands.

This is basically what happened during WW1 by the way. The Allies were actually the first to use chemical weapons, and they used tear-inducing irritants. Proliferation happened, so it went from tear gas in 1914, to chlorine and phosgene in 1915, to mustard gas in 1917. Additionally, usage of gas became a standard part of a pre-attack artillery barrage.

Do I think cops should be using CS against peaceful demonstrations? No, of course not. I also recognize that CS gas is not really “inhumane and too horrible” in the grand scheme of things, and it’s ban from military use has nothing to do with its actual effects on people and everything to do with the horrifying potential for escalation its use creates. Don’t hit me with “well you’ve never experienced CS either, I’ve qualled annually in the CS chamber, doing jumping jacks and push-ups to keep me from holding my breath while an NBC weirdo lights up a CS candle and jerks it under his MOPP suit. I’ve also been tear gassed by cops during peaceful protests.

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Damn. There was literally a partial (full? idk partial for me at least) eclipse in the US during Trump’s term, which is how we got that amazing image of that fucking loser staring straight at the sun. Why do these inbred fucks thing this is eclipse is any different than any other eclipse that has happened?

Unrelated question, does anyone know if eclipse glasses expire? I’ll search this on my own but was curious.

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I’ve started seeing people, who really should know better, referring to the PC tower as the CPU. As in, “I bought a bracket that mounts to my variable height desk which can hold my CPU up off the floor and let it move with my desk”.

Bro I’m looking at a picture of a custom water cooled PC here, you should know the fucking difference between a CPU and a computer case.

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As others have said here, it sounds like you’re looking for probably a psychologist or maybe a psychiatrist.

Also keep in mind that nobodies an expert in everything, especially probably not in all the things a single random individual would need them to be, so you’re probably going to be better served splitting these questions up between multiple people, while a good psychologist would be the more holistic sounding board to help you work through decisions you’re struggling with or second guessing. For example, a psychologist probably isn’t going to have really deep insight into breaking in to something like the Computer Science field, or whatever you’re in to. Taking that further, they probably really aren’t going to be able to advise you when you decide you’re really interested in Cybersecurity, then Offensive Cybersecurity specifically, then even more specifically weaponizing custom kernel exploits. Ideally you’d want to find a mentor in the field you’re in for that kind of advice.

Also, as others have said, your 20s are going to be messy for most people. Fuck, at 20 I was in an Infantry battalion and thought I was going to make a career in the Corps. At 21 I was dealing with the fallout from that, and thought I was going to make a career out of being a mechanic. At 24 I was back in school not knowing wtf I wanted to do. At 28 I was in IT, thinking I’d be a network engineer and eventually architect. At 30 I was in a SOC thinking I’d do SOC analyst shit for my entire career. At 32 I was in offensive cybersecurity. Shit is going to change on you, you just have to lean into the roll and stay moving forward with it. If you told me at 21 I’d be doing what I’m doing now I’d have laughed. Set your big goals, but focus on the smallest steps forward to achieve them and reassess your goals after every few steps you take.

your autocorrect misspelled debian server in that last line there.

Just in case you actually don’t know and that wasn’t a joke, CBT is also Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Just fyi it’s psy ops, short for psychological operations.

Ran by Israelis? I’m looking at the current Board of Directors for Intel and none jump out as Israeli. Some have names that might sound Jewish, but make that leap to calling them Israeli is some Nazi-level shit.

I did a cursory Google and found an article from 2014 about David Perlmutter, who at that time had been the highest Israeli in the Intel corporate structure. He was Intel’s Executive Vice-President, General Manager of Intel Architecture Group and Chief Product Officer. I’m certainly not about to waste my time searching the biographies of every current C-Suite and Board member, but I highly doubt it’s an “Israeli run” company. The more I see this shit the more I’m starting to think inbred Nazis are leveraging the current anger at Israel to spread their anti-semitic rhetoric.

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I think the decision itself highlights the dichotomy between the EU’s push for the right of digital privacy for citizens of its constituent nations when using products and services and the EU’s push to have unrestricted insight into the digital lives of those same citizens.

You can’t have digital privacy from select third parties only, it’s an all or nothing thing. If you don’t want your citizens to be tracked and their browsing data sold, don’t allow websites or ISPs to track that data. If you don’t want that data to be sold, but you want it tracked and accessible to the government then call it a right to not be monetized, not a right to privacy.

I agree that the article itself is pretty duplicitous as well. None of rhetoric direct sources they quoted seemed to have anything to do with piracy.

Out of curiosity, is copyright infringement a civil matter instead of a criminal matter in all EU member states? I only ask because I thought there were some EU member states where copyright infringement was explicitly not a legal violation, civil, criminal, or otherwise.

Yeah bro, keep writing code, it keeps the security people like me employed. Also I’m pretty sure you might be on meth.

Personally I think that any former president who winds up incarcerated should have to serve their time in the military side of Leavenworth, but that’s just me. The Secret Service would have a much easier time integrating into a system run by MPs than civilian prison guards.

No need. Usenet traffic is ssl encrypted and is just a client/server relationship, there’s no sharing/seeding. Also people still technically use usenet for text posts, so it’s not like a connection to a usenet server can get you in trouble in and of itself. I mean pulling down like 40-100GB in a weekend when I add a new show with tagged with my 4K DV/HDR Remux profile is pretty suss, but prove that shit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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That game, you know the one you play.

What? No. Denying the option to distribute something is not theft.

Your point about Brand A selling something named a derivative of Brand B makes me think there’s a misunderstanding here. This would fall under the realm of trademark violation, which I wasn’t aware was being discussed.

if you wrote the "super personal top secret book" and a library somehow got a copy without your permission and made it public, you'd be pissed too and they'd deny your right to distribute or not distribute.

I’d be pissed that the library somehow stole the physical book from me or that they hacked into my computer and stole the books manuscript file from me, which both would be examples of actual theft. If I sold the library the physical book and an epub version with DRM, the library removed the DRM, then began loaning out the DRM-stripped epub I could potentially be mad, but it certainly would not be because of theft because no theft would have occurred in that scenario.

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It sounds like you already know what you want to buy, just fucking buy it. Why are you fishing for other people’s approval on what you spend your own money on?

Yeah I thought Enders Game was the best book ever when I read it in like 4th or 5th grade. I read through the whole series of books over the next few years and enjoyed them at the time. I went back to read Enders Game as an adult and realized I just really enjoyed the wish fulfillment in reading about a bullied kid smashing the bullies face in then running shit. You’re right, it’s a pretty basic book and I have no idea why any adult would hold it or Card up as anything but basic. The only good thing I have to say about it as an adult is that it helped ignite my love of science fiction.

I’d also like to thank for posting news from a really well rounded combination of sources. I’d also like to plug !, the articles are a synthesis of other articles from various biased sources, with the slant of each source described and a brief summation of the narrative they are pushing. It’s a really interesting and informative way to do non-biased news imo.

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I think this is just semantics at this point, but to me there is a difference between “deleted” and “erased”. I see deleted as the typical “moved to trash” or rm action, with erased being overwritten bits, or like microwaving a drive.

Edit - If i remember correctly deleting something in most OS’s/File Systems just deletes the pointer to that file on disk. The data just hangs out until new data is written to that sector. The solution, other than the one you mentioned about encrypting stored data and destroying the key when you want the data “deleted”, would be to only ever store data in volatile memory. That would make for a horrendous user experience though.

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Just to note, Kali is a downstream release of Debian Testing, not Ubuntu. Also for question 55 you didn’t include “git clone and build binary from src”.

Might be 9999 in 10000 are downloading torrents with a vpn though.

I couldn’t follow your post with all those line breaks at first. If you had preceded your post with “I’m glad i’m not the only one who thought this: a 🧵” I would have understood that each paragraph was related much more easily.

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That’s when the police beat you.

Police will teargas and beat you regardless. When has exclusively nonviolent protest ever worked?

Give The Failure of Nonviolence by Peter Gelderloos a read. To make it ridiculously easy here’s a copy:

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