How Threads’ privacy policy compares to Twitter’s (and its rivals’) - Ars Technica to – 104 points –
How Threads’ privacy policy compares to Twitter’s (and its rivals’)

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I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about Threads privacy policy lately, where people seem genuinely shocked about it.

I know I shouldn't still be jarred by stuff like this, but I am. It's like when I encounter people who don't use adblockers and they just sit in their chair and watch that shit. I really wish normal people gave more of a shit about this stuff.

It's amazing what people put up with when they don't know better. It's the same when ever I sit somewhere with the TV on. It's just pure garbage wether the commercials are on or not.

TV is just baffling in the internet era. They pay up the ass to watch ads and I don't get it. Online when I pay for services it's to avoid ads, but TV viewers get the worst of both.

I feel naive but I had assumed paid-for TV didn't have ads. That's super crazy.

The average TV show has a 30-minute timeslot and about 21 minutes of actual show. The rest is for ads.