Is there a specific religious term for the belief "God exists and he is evil"? to – 317 points –

I am not an atheist, I genuinely believe that God exists and he is evil, like a toddler who fries little ants with a lens.


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Somewhat off-topic, but there's this line of thought, which multiple Christian thinkers have come up with throughout the centuries, called the Ontological Argument. It basically tries to prove the existence of the Christian God with only pure logic, no axioms involved.

Proofs without axioms don't exist elsewhere, so take the following with a massive grain of salt, but basically it goes:

God is a maximally good being. Existence of a maximally good being is itself good. Therefore, God must exist.

Aside from this being circular reasoning, it also involves a massive axiom: The existence and definition of good vs. bad.

But with your point, we can advance the argument even further:

Defining what's good is good.

That way, we get twice the circular reasoning, but no axioms anymore. 🙃

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