Is there a specific religious term for the belief "God exists and he is evil"? to – 316 points –

I am not an atheist, I genuinely believe that God exists and he is evil, like a toddler who fries little ants with a lens.


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Most ancient religions had gods that were both good and evil. They were flawed and just as bad as humans if not worse for their abuse of power. Christianity and Judaism is pretty different in that they claim god is super good, especially Christians, even though there are things in their own Bible that show their god being evil.

I always used to wonder why they worshipped such a shitty god, and if I, a mere human, have better morals and know right and wrong better than the Christian god, what good is he?

There's simply no reason an all-powerful being needs anyone to be tortured to death to initiate a forgiveness. Torturing someone's descendants because they fucked up is some cartel shit. If your religion has morals on par with a cartel you might be objectively incorrect.

God works in mysterious ways

It's all part of his plan

Statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged.

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