The Reddit blackout was pretty underwhelming to – 111 points –

In the last 3 days I've been paying attention to r/all, expecting several posts about it and...


Wasn't expecting the website to literally shut down nor to monopolize r/all, because 3rd party users are the minority, but I hoped for more than whatever this was.

At least there's a silver lining, I discovered new alternatives that have healthier communities


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I have had at least a dozen instances where I have done a Google search for a problem, and clicked a Reddit link without thinking, only to get hit with a private message. I do have an unusual number of problems per day (software dev who seems to spend their evenings trying stupid technical stuff), but I guarantee the impact is not seen on Reddit, but in the many users who never get there.

If you need these infos, you can find reddit mirrors and reddit dumps on torrent

I was having similar experiences this week but with niche 90s music history. It scared me to think that Reddit has so much control over that data. Makes me wonder if it's possible/feasible for a single person to download a few subreddits as a precautionary archive..