Open world games, need recommendations to – 51 points –

Its been a while since I played botw and totk, I want to get into similar open world games with good combat systems, any recommendations?

As for platforms, I need games that aren't too intensive, my PCs are kinda weak and my consoles are a switch and an emulator that does up to GameCube/ps2

This question proves how stupid I am lol


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It a fairly low intensity PC game, steam has it, gog does too I think

Oh, so only PC releases?

Outward is on consoles as well, though PC is its primary platform.


Was hoping it was on switch :3

Why are modern consoles locked down PCs with optical drives lol

As I said, it's on consoles too — including Switch. It's just that it's a secondary platform for it — meaning it may be a lesser experience than on the platform it was ported from.