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The irony is that AI will probably be able to do the jobs of the c-suite before a lot of the jobs down the ladder.

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I swear everytime Twitch updates their policies for clarity, they just get even more confusing.

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Altman and Brockman were the founding leadership of the company/organization and many of these employees are "rockstar" researchers. They wanted to be a part of what they were leading — so it makes sense they still would even if it's under Microsoft.

If they had just made it a 2.5% revenue share for the high-revenue games in the first place, I doubt even many game news outlets would've covered it, let alone "real" news. Now, after the massive dustup and pissing off all their customers, falling back to that may be a bit more difficult.

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This appears to be an experimental initiative within Mozilla right now. It's not available to the public and may never be if it doesn't pass muster for them.

https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/discussions/share-your-thoughts-on-how-you-shop-online/td-p/43015 https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/the-future-of-shopping/

I wonder if the decline in morale correlates with the decline in morals.

That's the downside of nuclear. Cost and build time. Upside is it's reliable and carbon-clean.

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While I respect them for their hardware, they need to up their software game. They've been left in the dust on update lifespan by Samsung and Google. I'm also miffed that they don't have much care for specification accuracy (or at least didn't when I got my US Xperia III).

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Fast chargers at sizeable gas stations make sense. Sheetz has already been putting them in at some larger locations.

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I'm a little disappointed to not see AV1 decoding mentioned, since Broadcom has had one for years now.

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I'm honestly somewhat surprised that these firings haven't triggered a mass walkout or something at Google offices yet. They're being very cavalier with employees they spend so much effort (at least historically) on keeping in the office to work "free" hours.

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Unless this is an indictment of the charging infrastructure build out (in which case — fair), this doesn't make sense. You don't scale back after early adoption — you scale up to mass market.

The US makers scaling back could seriously hamper EV growth now that EV tax credits require assembly in the US. Sounds to me like they need more regulatory incentive to make the production switch.

The Chagos Refugees are seeking repatriation of the .io domain name and fees. They likely don't want people to stop using that domain unless they lose that case.

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This is the type of processor companies want in things like VM servers that host large numbers of VMs.

GPU processing units are really good at only specific kinds of computation. These are still all-around processors.

Why would they need to tie that telemetry to people in order to use it to inform their own development (as it states as the purpose, and is the purpose of all their telemetry as far as I know).

I mean c-suite jobs (particularly CEO), are usually primarily about information coordination and decision-making (company steering). That's exactly what AI has been designed to do for decades (make decisions based on inputs and rulesets). The recent advancements mean they can train off real CEO decisions. The meetings and negotiation part of being a c-suite (the human-facing stuff) might be the hardest part of the job for AI to replicate.

There are a few things I consider when picking gender in a game.

  • Is the character voice acted? Which voice actor do I think performs better?
  • is the game third person? Which gender has the better look in armor/clothing in the game?
  • Does the game feature romance? If so, then I almost always pick my own gender for a first playthrough at least.
  • Which gender do I think the plot of the game will be more compelling for?

In tabletop D&D, gender tends to be the last thing I choose in a character (as opposed to video games that usually want it to be your first choice), and I basically just look at the made character including personality and backstory and realize that it's more interesting or fun to play as one gender or the other.

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I honestly don't think MS really wants to own Unity. Like, sure, there's a small amount of synergy because some of their games use it, but owning Unity also means committing resources to support and improve it and competing with Unreal to an extent.

If anyone would be interested in buying Unity I'd think it'd be a Chinese corp like Tencent or NetEase or else a publisher that works with a lot of indies like Devolver or maybe Embracer.

The question here comes down to 3 choices

Do you want a corporation to be able to decide what you can't look at?

Do you want your government to decide what you can't look at?

Do you want to decide what you don't look at?

And, like most things, people are going to want a little from each column. Figuring out the proper lines is the tricky part. The EFF stance is the net neutrality stance. Your stance is the Section 230 stance. Both are good things in different situations.

In this case, because there is most often no consumer choice in ISPs, net neutrality is the EFF-preferred position when dealing with them. This leaves it to the government (and society at large) to craft and/or enforce specific laws to control the undesired behavior, which is often a mistake, too. But it's generally a better societal moderator than a single monpolistic corporation is.

Google doesn't do anything with Firefox except pay them for searches and to be the default search upon install — which takes 2 seconds to change if you want to.

No single thing can stop climate change. Every solution will be required. Nuclear is too expensive and takes too long to build to be a sole solution. There is no "only thing that can stop climate change".

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Non-competes aren't a thing in California. OpenAI obviously own the IP, but that doesn't mean an investor like MS wouldn't have enough rights to effectively take it and build from it.

It was given to another team, but obviously radio silence ever since.

Part of me is wondering if the success of Baldur's Gate has impacted the approach to it at all, given it falls roughly in the same genre space.

Embracer's financials probably impacting it more, though.

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It's gotta be a peer pressure thing, diplomatically, to work. The countries taking the biggest steps need to be loud about it so the ones dragging their feet (hi from the US) get their pride hurt if they don't take action. The ozone hole fix worked that way too (though of course that didn't have major political powers denying it was a problem).

Because batteries suck for any application where weight (ie. energy density) matters. Running long haul semis off batteries is not a super practical thing. Even with consumer cars, there are people for whom hydrogen will be a better fit.

Basically we've been in a world where the happy medium of energy density and efficiency (gasoline) was used for everything. Now we likely need to split those things up into what energy density is more important for, and what energy efficiency is more important for.

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Yeah, I suppose the reputational harm from the announcement in the first place is going to set them back quite a bit, regardless. I suppose that's why things like this are supposed to be reviewed before they get announced.

It's a 15" screen that's slightly taller. That's all.

It seems more concerning that YT is apparently forcing AV1 when there's no hardware decoder for it (if I'm reading that thread right). Seems like that will make people think their battery is starting to go — better software decoder or not.

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Hydrogen storage is a significant focus of materials science and chemistry research for this reason right now. There's a lot of interesting possibilities being studied to solve those challenges.

I actually wonder whether he had trouble blocking the instance he intended to, and just shut down vlemmy instead in the end. It's pretty strange he just disappeared from everything, though.

It would practically guarantee that a Trump victory would again be without the popular vote — which he'd hate.

Companies can seem very bipolar that way. Always yelling about how well they're doing, while also cutting costs to maximize investor confidence.

How very much like a gatekeeper to their users their argument is.

South Park was right all along. Those time travelers really are taking our jobs.

I can't think of any reason a battery being removable would impact its ability to wirelessly charge (though it would still need to be in the device to do so).

Google and Facebook weren't rebranded. Twitter was.

On a side note, 1 Terapixel is just crazy. A square with 1 million pixels has this number of pixels. So, about 1000 of 1080p will fit into this square vertically and about 500 horizontally. How has such eyes to see this all pixel perfectly?

If you zoom in on it (a pretty common thing to do with pictures) enough, most people.

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I'm not going so far as to say I'd switch -- but I'd certainly get an iPhone and give it a try if it had sideloading/other app stores allowed (which in turn would allow other browser engines, since that's a store limitation). Would love to see an F-Droid equivalent for iOS start up.

Which point would that be?