Prosecutors Ask Supreme Court to Reject Trump’s Immunity Claim in Election Case to politics – 164 points –
Prosecutors Ask Supreme Court to Reject Trump’s Immunity Claim in Election Case

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The Senate chose not to impeach because by the time they got around to it he was not president. It had nothing to do with the legality of it. It was even stated by several of them that the actions were now left to the justice system.

There is no reason why a president should be immune from prosecution for crimes committed during the presidency.

Which was stupid. They should have continued to impeach because then they could legally bar him from running from office again.

There is no reason why a president should be immune from prosecution for crimes committed during the presidency.

Can you really think of no way to abuse this? Imagine when Biden leaves office if Texas tries to prosecute him for "dereliction of duty" or on whatever Texas' equivalent of a RICO charge is because his actions "assisted organized crime". Should they be allowed to?

It wouldn't be in Texas's jurisdiction. The president should not be above the law. If I would be prosecuted then so should he.

I mean it almost certainly would be in Texas Jurisdiction. Actual crimes of that nature are prosecuted at the state level every day.