Trump Allies Have a Plan to Hurt Biden’s Chances: Elevate Outsider Candidates to politics – 164 points –
Trump Allies Have a Plan to Hurt Biden’s Chances: Elevate Outsider Candidates

This works because almost all the US uses first-past-the-post elections for the Presidential general election. So you get outcomes like this:

Scenario 1:

Biden: 10 votes

Trump: 9 votes

Kennedy/Stein/West: 0 votes

Biden wins the state

Scenario 2:

Biden: 9 votes

Trump: 9 votes

Kennedy/Stein/West: 1 vote

Tied vote, decided by game of chance/lawsuit

Scenario 3:

Biden: 8 votes

Trump: 9 votes

Kennedy/Stein/West: 2 votes

Trump wins the state

This is why you see huge financial support from Republican billionaires for third party candidates who have no chance of winning.


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So, Kanye for President 2.0?

He'd probably be at least as awful a president as Trump, though it's a different West who is on the ballot in some states this year.

Sorry—my comment was in reference to this not being a new playbook since that’s exactly what the GOP did with hawking Kanye as a candidate. He would never win but maybe he would steal votes from the democrats.

Definitely the same playbook. It's been used for decades at this point.