How many people listened to audiobooks (or anything non-music) on cassette tape? On a Walkman? to Ask – 68 points –

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My truck only has AM/FM and cassette. I still have some of my Weird Al tapes in there for when I'm driving it a lot.

You know they make adapters that can connect with an aux cord or Bluetooth right?

They’re pretty neat and last time I needed one like 3-4 years ago Walmart had them for like $5.

Not ragging your choices, just looking for my 1/10000

I actually still use one of these. A new stereo is too expensive when the tape works fine. I can't imagine that I'd notice the difference since the car's noise dampening isn't very good.

Yeah, I had one and it burned out years ago. I rarely drive that truck, so it's pretty low priority.