You know I'm right šŸ˜

LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to Lefty – -58 points –

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I am going to try to show you the same kindness and genuineness you are showing me.

"Iā€™m just saying, your logic only works if enough people dont follow it. That kind of makes it bad advice." I think this is a key part. I know the vast majority of people that hear my advice will not take it. So I am depending on that. I also feel it's correct. I think it wouldn't be unrealistic for me to expect everyone or even most of the people who hear it to take it to heart. Do you think I'm wrong? I think I see this news article a different way then you do. I hate rfk and wouldn't recommend voting for him unless that vote was going to go to trump instead. I also don't believe most of the votes going to rfk would have gone to Biden. I believe the COVID conspiracist that want to vote for him were much more likely to be trumpers. I think a lot of the fear on the media that all third party votes would ha e otherwise gone to Biden is wrong. I may be crazy but I think of the Dems pied Piper strategy and wonder if this related. They really seem to like catching us in thos lesser of two evils trap. I live in Maryland. The Dems helped far right candidate David Cox get the Republican nominee in our last govenors race. I ended up voting dem because it scared me. Democrat nominee won hands down because Maryland is a blue state but I was tricked. I feel similarly about this presidential election now.

"When youā€™re aligning yourself with pro-fascistsā€”or at least have the exact same tactics (minus an exception), you cannot be on the right side of history." Doesn't this with us or against us rhetoric feel odd to you? I believe the "unless you live in a swing state" part of my sentiment is what clearly divides me from them.

"Two party systems are doomed to be a road to fascism. We are reaching the end of that road." I completely agree and I think we need to start taking a third party exit. I know this is a many election process but starting now is better than later and the safest way to do so is to try to convince as many people in non-swing states to start voting third party. That momentum takes time.

"Itā€™s a shitty situation for us to have to negotiate. But weā€™re not the ones gambling with our own lives. Weā€™re gambling with the lives of trans people, women who need abortions, those living in poverty, the environmentā€¦just so we can ā€œsend a measage?ā€ " As a side note I am not the wealthy cis het man you seem to think I am.

"All youā€™re doing is throwing extra danger into the pot and supporting the people who are pushing your same messaging in order to see trump win. Justā€¦how can you justify it?" In this way, by only promoting this idea for voters in non swing states I believe additional risk is minimized. I also believe this is the only way to possible make things better by ballot. Outside of this the only ways I can imagine the USA getting off this "two party road to fascism" (to borrow your elegant words) will create much more misfortune and suffering before getting better.

Also just to clarify. I know trump is worse on all fronts compared to Biden. Whether it's Palestine or pro working class policy at home. I hate trump and I also see him winning as the worst case scenario for the election. You don't have to convince me of any of that. I think our only disagreement really lies in how much additional risk voting third party in non swing states generates but please tell me if you think otherwise.

Also thanks for talking to me like a normal person šŸ™‚

Do you think Iā€™m wrong?

I mean, I think you and I feel very similarly. We are disillusioned, angry, we feel hopeless. Iā€™m not 100% in favor of my strategy. Because it means supporting someone I donā€™t actually support. But, having weighed the pros and cons, I just feel like there is so much to lose for vulnerable communities. And, on the whole, I feel most peoplesā€™ true intentions in advocating for this are ultimately selfish. Iā€™m not saying that is your motivation at all. You could very much be an idealist. But as a fellow idealist feeling the need to give into my realism as I get older, I find its best to sacrifice yourself and your own sense of idealistic purity for othersā€”again, Iā€™m not saying youā€™re doing the opposite. Itā€™s a super complicated and shitty lose-lose scenario.

I think I see this news article a little differently than you doā€¦

I agree that not all third party votes would otherwise be votes for Biden. But itā€™s been proven over and over and has been a Republican strategy for a long time to suppress turnout. Because they arenā€™t popular. Their ideas are terrible and no one actually likes them. Their supporters are just angry and want to hurt others.

So my thinking is, if itā€™s a Republican strategy to push third party candidates, and itā€™s the third party candidatesā€™ campaignsā€™ position that they are the only hope to defeat a vote against the fascistā€¦I meanā€¦theyā€™re not like you and me basing our opinions mostly on rough approximations. They are looking at data that shows how this changes things. There are few things I trust republicans and antivax nutjobs on, but this subject is one of themā€”probably the only one.

Doesnā€™t this with us or against us rhetoric feel odd to you?

I get where youā€™re coming from. But thatā€™s not the way I look at my position at all. If I were a democrat pushing this type of thinking with the motive of getting more votes for my preferred candidate, yeah, thatā€™d be my problematic position.

But Iā€™m a leftist that has gone back and forth on this issue and debated it in my head for more than half of my life. I get what youā€™re saying, and sometimes I feel exactly how you feel.

Itā€™s justā€¦a complicated issue and we are both looking at the same thing, seeing the same issues, and coming up with different answers. Literally, after your post I was thinking to myself, ā€œwellā€¦Iā€™m in NY. Iā€¦could probably do this.ā€ But after 2016, I felt so much guilt, for the first time in my life, for voting third party. And that threw my entire view on the subject into doubt.

I dunno. I donā€™t have the answer. And apologies if I seemed to have assumed you were a cishet white guy. Theyā€™re just usually the most likely to throw everyone elseā€™s caution to the wind to advocate for their own ideas. Not that thatā€™s what you were doing. Just that they always feel the most comfortable in being reckless with othersā€™ safety and well-being.

No need to apologize for the bit at the end stranger. šŸ™‚

You're a good dudešŸ‘ˆšŸ˜Ž

You've given me some things to think about. Again I appreciate your input and your knowledge and your kindness.