Funkwhale might be the most overlooked Fediverse project to – 159 points –
Funkwhale might be the most overlooked Fediverse project · Raphael Lullis

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You still haven't answered my question

And I'm not going to. It has nothing to do with the point that I was making. It has nothing to do with the quip that I started with. I came neither here nor to you to get advice. I made a sarcastic comment that you literally just confirmed. Thank you.

And the consolidation and gatekeeping of resources to the few seems just a tad antithetical to the entire foundation of decentralization.


self hostable, easy to deploy

"people" are telling me that this isn't easy, but Lemmy seems to think it is. Good luck arguing your way out of that paper bag.

And the consolidation and gatekeeping of resources to the few seems

What gatekeeping? And what "few"?

According to fedidb, there are 775 Lemmy servers deployed. So you have at least a few hundred people that are not involved with the project and that have managed to deploy Lemmy. I'm among one of those, and I have access to the same resources as you did. It may not be trivial, but it certainly is within possible.

Again, sorry that you are having trouble, but there is no conspiracy here to keep you away from having your own server.


if people are telling you "this is not for beginners", maybe it would be wise to listen to it?

Also you:

I'm among one of those

So, What gatekeeping you ask? You. And what few you say? Still you.

But don't let me be the judge on whether or not you are an insufferable prick. So take a peruse around your own post. Let's see how you fared...
