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Joined 1 years ago

Everyone seems to be missing the point so I'll let Todd Howard remind you all, "We're going to be doing a lot of add-on content for Starfield."

$5 horse armor folks. That's Bethesda. Stop paying them to make garbage, or at least stop complaining about it.

It's military standards and boot camp. It has literally nothing to do with perception. Look at drill for a fraction of a second while standing at attention and he will berate you endlessly for trying to suck him off with your eyes. Your bootlace is dragging because you're dumb. You're tired because you're weak. And you are the fattest motherfucker in this universe because you stood in front of the cake in the chow line for too long. It's not about perception. It's just basic. Even in active duty today, he would still be considered overweight, and even if he passed the PT test it wouldn't protect him from getting chaptered out for fitness.

6' 5", 200#, according to the Army, I was overweight by 15 lbs. I ran A group most mornings in PT (fastest, farthest runners), ran low 6 min miles, maxed situps and still had to wait 40 seconds for the test to end. Pushups were always low but fuck off, soy alto. I started lifting, gained 50 lbs, and my neck grew to 19"+ and all of the sudden I was "fit", even though I couldn't run A group anymore, couldn't break 7 min miles, and barely finished the situps in time. No improvement on pushups so don't stop fucking off. It's just military standards. It has literally nothing to do with perception. And people were fat before the 80s, JTFC did I just have to say that? Sure, there are more today, but it's not like Pvt Pyle was broadly considered obese by civilians at the time. The people ITT... πŸ™„

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It's the illusion the maga crowd clings to. They think the economy was better under Trump and they think that relates to prosperity for them. The truth is that the economy really only indicates how the market is for the wealthy. But they don't see that. Trump, like nearly all GOP, is fully prepared to strip mine this nation of all resources possible, which would me amazing for the economy. πŸ™„

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Was homeless at 17 for the better part of 2 years. Tried to kill myself with inhalants many times. Found out the service was taking in meat shields like they were going out of style. Watched thousands die in Iraq and still deal with the guilt and self-destructiveness today. It is getting better, good people found me and chose to love me.

There's a part of me that does not disagree with the comment, I honestly wanted to die in that place. But it's so disrespectful to say, and you nailed it.

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I believe it is how self-proclaimed christians are responding to sexual and gender liberty/tolerance. They see it as lost ground in their crusade against deviance. So they are escalating things beyond reason in order to sooth their own conscience.

That's how I see it. Closeted bigots being closeted bigots.

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The article keeps referring to Jan 6, 2001. But you're right again, nobody cared.

Just pointing out that we didn't invent that mantra for ourselves. I've heard that same thing incessantly from teachers and professors which were gen x and boomers over the years.

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I know that CO2 is what the body uses to push the sensation of "needing" air. So I wonder if that would have changed his CO2 content from what it would be in just nitrogen...

What you are talking about is colloquially called Chevron Deference. And yes, it is on the kill list after Roe, Obergefell, and I can only assume Brown v Board ffs.

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Small down payment at best.

A few were invested in at the start but everyone quickly realized it was going nowhere. The regulatory agency tried to set up a few things to help but it was always going nowhere. IIRC, two of the organizations that filed were trying to get refunded and were threatening litigation.

Where's the confusion? They protested the notion of drunk driving several times – many more than necessary. Protesting is like eating pasta. You can't do too much of it.

US military really needs better mental health services.

FTF- wait...

US military really needs better mental health services.

Got it. Covering all my bases.

Lol, unexpected intensity. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Why is ALL administrative documentation all but absent? Why is there NO documented support for SMTP?

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At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Biden pardoned him, not because it would make any sense at all, but because we live in bizarro-world now and that makes sense there.

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From a mechanical standpoint, the new bearing saves a nearly negligible amount of space. Splitting the motor up and moving it to the notoriously wasted wheel well space is what clears up the center of the frame. Still very cool. It's basically a single output differential, which is already quite compact. No need to split the rotation for turning since the wheels rotation will no longer be mechanically linked.

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You know what doesn't bring balance to the otherwise dark content of the podcast?

Since armed police is not a protected class then I hardly think it matters.

I called his son dumb because choosing to join the military to fight in the Iraq invasion was dumb when he obviously didn't come from a poor family and thus didn't even need to do this due to a lack of job opportunities.

As you have demonstrated, anyone is susceptible to misunderstanding. It does not discriminate by class or privilege. People join for many reasons. I wanted to get a warm meal, warm bed, and die. But others from my meps felt that they had familial or generational obligations. Some wanted the career and had great options. It's a fantastic and debt free way of getting respectable credentials and high-speed to boot. But I don't know a single person who honestly believed they were supporting genocide or imperialism, what have you. There were a lot of dumb people, but they risked it for their own reasons in a way you never could or likely ever will. And I will always cry for those that gave it all. Some of us are dealing with our guilt and doing what we can to prepare the next generation for the pitfalls they face. So spit at us all you want. There's not thing one you can say that will make me loath myself more than I ever have. And I'm dealing with that too.

I hope you are never in a place that makes you tangibly consider these choices you so virulently despise. You are still someone's compatriot and you deserve that.

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The US military's primary role is to protect corporate interests, to the misery of many, including those that serve that machine.

I'm not refuting this. I'm pointing out that this isn't remotely obvious to let alone the motivation for why people join. You are privileged enough to be aware of this. Not everyone has the luxury of your perspective.


How bout this? Sync doesn't support subscript so I'm not sure how this looks.

Opened in browser, superscript looks better, still jacked in sync tho.

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I don’t know why they just wouldn’t make it attractive to stay.

I don’t get it. I don’t think I ever will.

Every single job I have left is because I literally couldn't afford to stay. I know you want to pin the phenomena on some obscure difference in generational ideology. It's not that difficult. It's not that obscure. We grew up in places we will never afford. You come from a generation that could pay 100% for college with a summer job, and you turned around and added a requirement for a college degree just to get that summer job which now days doesn't even cover the rent.

Pay has dropped relative to cost of living year over year since the 90s. I couldn't get my employers to give me raises just to match inflation. And still, I hear boomers crowing about how uncommitted millennials and zoomers are from their half a million dollar homes. My gen x coworkers owned boats and I was struggling to make the rent.

The problem here is not that younger generations aren't capable of committing, it's that older generations have grown out of touch with modern day cost. Some boomer rear ended me last year and was furious that I wouldn't take his $150. He laughed when I told him his insurance would give me $2k easily. They paid out $2800. I am honestly still confounded how far out of reality you'd have to be to think that a bumper would only cost $150. You could argue that he was only trying to cheat me but that only proves my point more that us getting royally fucked by older generations is not from our own doing.

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Vet here. I give you my blessing. πŸ˜‰ I'm okay when it comes from people genuinely, but when it comes from the employee at Lowe's, it means absolutely nothing, regardless - so I usually just say "no thank you". And I think people only do it because marketing in the early 2000s really pushed that shit. When I got back in 2005, people in the airport started an applause and some old greasy guy grabbed my arm and took my hand to shake it. I hated every second of it. I wished the building would have collapsed on them. I kept thinking, I wonder if they would be so quick to applaud us if they saw half the pictures I had taken. I deleted every picture I had and exorcized those SD cards within days. And the only thing outside of my own head that reminds me of the horrible shit we did is those fucking bobbleheads and their incessant gratuity.

That said, I did get the third degree from a Vietnam vet once because, he "never got thanked" for his service, "they just called us babykillers". Which I thought was funny, because when I was shipping out, a young adolescent saw us in uniform and yelled, "babykillers!", to which I responded, "wrong war buddy", and my platoon mates laughed. So I suppose getting empty, ignorant valor is better than misdirected vitriol.

Either way, fuck nationalists.

Well, as someone who has been trying to launch a functioning Lemmy instance for nearly a year now, I can tell you, knowing not the slightest thing about funkwhale, that I would eat my hat if the documentation isn't an all but absent shit show.

My favorite part was learning that my domain was creating a completely new cert from lets encrypt with each deployment and no way of recovering them at all. So after 5 attempts, you have to wait 60 days (or whatever) for them to expire. That was awesome. I messaged the devs about that one and they literally said "we didn't think of that"... πŸ˜‘

And so much shit goes tits up if you don't deploy it perfectly the very first time. Don't get me wrong, I love the fediverse, but JTFC I hate the fucking fediverse.

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And the free of the brave 🫑

Tell all of this to cops.

Yeah, that's what it did on sync. But it looks legit in FF.

But it may not be the scientific term of efficiency

Otherwise known as, "efficiency"

And lineage will support it for the next few-.... And they dropped support.

This, the don't just rip off framing every time they need to replace it. There will be some way to access it. When I traveled for work, I had a tool bag for a few things, chiefly the thermostat.

all the things that folks warned would happen without net neutrality hasn't happened.

I don't think that's fair at all. Since we have never really had NN, then I would ask you to define what it is first. If you say that NN prevents ISPs from provisioning off websites in bundles then I would say, you're not wrong but I massively dispute your definition of NN.

It is supposed to protect a free and open internet. I think I can safely state that. I think we can agree to that as a basis. And I can think of dozens of things that are going on right now that only serve to disarm and control users in order to strip-mine them of as much value as possible. If ISPs were utilities then you would have access to their financial reports, you could see their service reports, you would be able to know how they have and plan to allocate resources, and you would have at least transparency if not influence in decisions they choose to make that affect the cost of service. Imagine if they would have to apply for a tariff audit just to get approved to raise rates?

Are you truly arguing that this hypothetical alternate dimension is somehow imperceivably different than our own?

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You still haven't answered my question

And I'm not going to. It has nothing to do with the point that I was making. It has nothing to do with the quip that I started with. I came neither here nor to you to get advice. I made a sarcastic comment that you literally just confirmed. Thank you.

And the consolidation and gatekeeping of resources to the few seems just a tad antithetical to the entire foundation of decentralization.


self hostable, easy to deploy

"people" are telling me that this isn't easy, but Lemmy seems to think it is. Good luck arguing your way out of that paper bag.

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###As others have said, fight for more pay and benefits and fuck everything else.

FTFY πŸ˜‚ Honestly, I'm amazed how few people get this very basic concept.

Did I slide to a dimension where trump hasn't spent most of his adult life in business with Russian oligarchs? Is your response to hearing Pelosi's lucid musings anything other than "no titty fucking shit Sherlock"? Did trump seriously not have a giant money laundering casino for Russians named the Taj Mahal here???

I am going to enjoy this reality. 😊 Checks Wikipedia πŸ™„ Oh, nvm. I forgot that I already live in the dimension where a preponderance of evidence isn't enough to establish a preponderance of evidence. My bad.

Why would you use a link aggregator to follow individual users? That's literally what Mastodon is for, and you should be able to use your Lemmy creds to access it, meaning you have access to it.

The farts I get from those are indescribable. Do others experience that? Is that the reference?

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Ah no, full time job, 12+ hr shifts. Not many poop breaks to chat on.

Some sodomite sent me a bucket of poop.