Live Nation/Ticket Master won't give you your tickets unless you install their app to Mildly – 671 points –

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That doesn't work anymore. If you follow those instructions you'll receive the pop-up I posted.

Yup, found this out at Dead & Co in SF last summer. Had to stand off to the side with my wife and 2 friends while downloading the app and going through the bullshit high off my ass with an army of deadheads behind us.

I did exactly that in February.

The thing didn't scan right anyway, likely due to my phone being a filthy potato with a gradually failing protective screen.

What happens when you click the “Next” button down at the bottom right?

If it doesn’t take you to your ticket then that sounds like a bug. Definitely a frustrating one; hopefully not intentional.

Clicking Next redirects you to the App/Play Store