
2 Post – 248 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

There are dozens of us.

Also, I'll add:

  • Get-Help
  • Get-Command
  • Get-Member

When I really need to concentrate I put on music in a foreign language. Mainly German because I've found a lot of German bands I like. Some of my favorites that sing mainly in German:

  • Wizo
  • Die Ärzte
  • Die Toten Hosen
  • We Butter Out Bread With Butter

I was singing to my daughter when she was around that age and told me to stop singing. I asked why and she told me, because you can't

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This is the thing I love the most about the younger generations now.

  • Boomers: If you don't like it do something about it
  • Gen-X: nah we're too nihilistic
  • Millennials: sorry we're too busy trying to survive on the scraps you left us
  • Boomers: that's what I thought


  • Boomers: If you don't like it do something about it
  • Gen-Z/Alpha: okay!
  • Boomers: no, not like that!
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The Fifth Element

I'm glad it didn't get a sequel because it is such a good stand alone movie. I'm just shocked the studio didn't try to milk it for everything it had.

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I did buy a house in 2008. January of 2008. Two months before the market crashed. It took me years not to be upside down.

So, I asked Chat GPT to write a quick PowerShell script to find the number of months between two dates. The first answer it gave me took the number of days between them and divided by 30. I told it, it needs to be more accurate than that, so it wrote a while loop to add 1 months to the first date until it was larger than the 2 second date. Not only is that obviously the most inefficient way to do it, but it had no checks to ensure the one in the loop was actually smaller so you could just end up with zero. The results I got from co-pilot were not much better.

From my experience, unless there is existing code to do exactly what you want, these AI are not to the level of an experienced dev. Not by a long shot. As they improve, they'll obviously get better, but like with anything you have to keep up and adapt in this industry or you'll get left behind.

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It doesn't appear to be there anymore, but I remember reading Dave Grohl's wikipedia page and there was a controversy section and it just talked about the DUI he got on a scooter.

I'm saving this thread to show to my wife later. She was mortified that I let the cable guy into our house with dirty dishes in the sink. And I'm not talking about an overflowing sink. I'm talking about 2-3 plates and maybe a couple of forks.

I grew up in the 80s and 90s in catholic house, so all I really knew about her was she ripped up a picture of the pope on SNL. I wasn't familiar with her music at all. Then around 2001 I went to a Dropkick Murphys concert and before they came on stage they played The Foggy Dew by The Chieftains. I had never heard this song before and I remember being absolutely enamored by the ghostly vocals and having no idea it was her singing. 20+ years later I still get chills listening to it.

And for those who haven't heard it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keWnPZOd2cw

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SpongeBob projection

Had to look it up, he is the head of Threads

When I was in highschool me and a couple of my friends got hired as waiters. We were required to attend these training sessions before we could start. It was your typical fake upbeat corp BS and we were a bunch of edgy teens, so you can imagine how it went. About halfway through the first session they tell my buddy he can change his attitude or leave, so he left.

Must change every 90 days

It has been 6 years since NIST told companies to stop doing this. And I'd be willing to bet there are more companies still mandating this than ones that don't.

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I remember the exact moment. I had just got a Home Depot gift card from my in-laws and my first thought was, "I'm going to buy a really nice hose"

I've worked in IT consulting for over 10 years and have never once lied about the capabilities of a product. I have said, it doesn't do that natively, but if that's a requirement we can scope how much it would take to make it happen. Sadly my company is very much the exception.

The worst I saw was years ago I was working on an infrastructure upgrade of a Hyper-V environment. The client purchased a backup solution I wasn't familiar with but said it supported Hyper-V. It turns out their Hyper-V support was in "beta". It wasn't in beta. They were literally using this client as a development environment. It was a freaking joke. At one point I had to get on the phone with one of their developers and explain how high-availability and fail-over worked.

I miss the local subs for my city and other local communities around me. They were great for keeping up with what was going on. I can't stand all the pissing and moaning on Nextdoor. There are a couple of Facebook groups but I refuse to install any Meta apps on my phone.

The biggest obstacle, besides politics and oil/gas money, is neither of these cities are non-car friendly. Both cities are so sprawling you end up spending significantly more time using public transportation than driving. That's even if public transportation goes to the part of the city you need.

When used as a noun a fart refers to "an expulsion of intestinal gas^1^" or "An emission of wind from the anus; an instance of breaking wind^2^". So, I would say no it is not because it is defined as leaving the body. While in the body it is flatus which is gas in or from the stomach or intestines.


^2^ OED

Seems like they never recovered after the whole YouTube Red exclusive stuff they did. I was glad they came back, but you're right, it just doesn't hit the same.

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Last time I heard Bodies I was in a CVS parking lot and a pickup truck pulled in blaring it. I nearly lost it when I saw a 40 something dad wearing khakis get out of the truck. Then I realized I was a 40 something dad wearing cargo pants and quietly went back to my car to have a midlife crisis.

You're talking about the same company that charges a "convenience" fee for ordering online. Then if you decide to go to buy them in person you charge a "facilities" fee.

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That doesn't work anymore. If you follow those instructions you'll receive the pop-up I posted.

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As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. Whatever differs from this, to the extent of the difference, is not democracy.

  • Abraham Lincoln

The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.

  • Douglas Adams

A pool. It came with the house, but damn is it expensive to maintain. I say I've never gotten full use out of it because I spend way more time and energy maintaining it, than I do using it.

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I have a BUG-A-SALT that attached a laser sight on. It can take out a fly from a few feet away. And it makes it fun.

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I miss the local communities. I like to keep up with what's going on in my city and surrounding area. I refuse to install Meta apps on my phone, so I can't view the city Facebook groups and Nextdoor is a pile of garbage.

Like the saying goes:

Everything I know about the Kardashians I learned against my will.

For those like me who have only heard it called SAG, SAG-AFTRA is Screen Actors Guild and American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. Since I guess the article assumes everyone knows that already.

One of the funniest, my wife majored in British literature in college. She's read all major works, reads Shakespeare for fun, and can read and speaks middle English. I worked and traveled to England a few times a year and had lived there in my early 20s, before we met.

For our fifth anniversary I took her to England. It was her first time ever leaving the US. In fact the first time she left the southern US.

We're standing at the curb at Gatwick waiting for a cab and there are two guys behind us talking. My wife leans over and whispers, "what language are they speaking?"

I just started laughing, and explained they were speaking English, they are just Scottish. All that book learning and studying of the language couldn't prepare her for the Scottish accent.

Yup, Texas was democratic until around 2000. Which makes it even funnier when people here acted like it's been some Republican strong hold since the Alamo.

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This guy sounds like a text book narcissist. The worst thing you can do is tell a narcissist they are a narcissist. It will do nothing and will only make them double down. The best thing you can do is cut them out of your life.

I had a similar situation when I was in my 20s. Friend I had that I've known since highschool would always make remarks about how I got so lucky with my job. Because I was making decent money (more than him) without a degree and he was an engineer. It didn't matter that I worked my ass off and put in thousands of hours, I was lucky.

If I would ever push back or say something he would just double down. I couldn't bring up the fact that I didn't have parents that paid for everything while I was in school, so I had to work and go to college at the same time. I finally realized that was just the way he was going to be, so I limited contact with him. However, his comments never went as far as what you are describing. So, I think you're doing the right thing by just blocking him.

I highly recommend reading the book Emotional Vampires. It teaches you about the different personality types you'll run into in the working world and how to deal with each type (when you can't just avoid them). I wish I had read it 20 years ago.

It's really sad because the artists have little to no control over this. It is the venues who are contracted through Ticketmaster.

I remember Pearl Jam suing them for this in the 90s. Unfortunately, Pearl Jam lost and here we are 30 years later still dealing with their monopolistic tactics.

I'm in my 40s and still put ketchup on my hotdogs. Also, I still eat hotdogs.

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I grew up in Texas and moved to England. I remember my first weekend there looking at a map thinking of going to visit Cambridge. It was a couple of inches away on the map and I thought, should be an hour maybe an hour and half drive. Imagine my surprise when I arrived in Cambridge in 20 minutes. I forgot to take into consideration scale.

Yes it was a paper map, I know I'm old.

One thing no one has mentioned is the brakes. Do not apply the parking brake because it can actually become fused on after a long period of time. The best thing to do is actually remove the wheels and use jack stands. If you don't do that then use chocks.

Before driving it you will want to bleed the brake lines to remove any air that might have gotten in there, and ensure the brake fluid reservoir is full.

Blakeslee tried to explain away his behavior, saying he hadn’t targeted Haven of Hope. Rather, he claimed, he was indulging a frequent habit of his, having done the deed at least 10 other times that year.

That somehow sounds even worse to me.

I saw a really good demonstration of this once, but I can't seem to find a video of it.

Basically imagine a rubber tube with 4 balls equal distance apart from each other.


If you stretch the tube from both ends all of the balls move an equal distance apart.


There is no one ball that is the center or the starting point. However if you focus on one ball while stretching it will seem like the others are moving away from it. But in reality they are all moving away from each other at the same rate.

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Trying to view them through your browser will bring you to this pop-up. And it says you can't use screen shots or print outs.

The only other option is to use a mobile wallet, but that prevents me from sending my friends their tickets, since I purchased them all together.

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I would consider what my company is doing right now as board line abuse. They've done two rounds of layoffs this year, but the amount of work as not been reduced in the slightest. So everyone is overworked and scared of saying anything in case there is another round of layoffs. Of course this is also having a ripple affect where long-term hardworking employees are jumping ship.

I currently have a backlog that is four years long. That was when I had a team working for me. Now I'm the only person on the team and not a week goes by when I don't get ask what the status of XYZ is. Or have 2-3 more "high priority" things added to my backlog.