[\#Hydrogen](https://jorts.horse/tags/Hydrogen) infused water?

CrimeDad@lemmy.crimedad.work to pics@lemmy.world – 138 points –

Please suggest relevant communities to share these sorts of nonsense products marketed with unfounded health claims.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.crimedad.work/post/74365

cross-posted from: https://jorts.horse/users/fathermcgruder/statuses/112309753228570337

#Hydrogen infused water?

I am of course pro #HydrogenEconomy, but this sort of nonsense is just too much.

#SnakeOil #CitationNeeded #pseudoscience



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So there is the thing in the Bio Hacking community, where they recommend H2 infused water, which should have some benefit on your health. I once saw a water filter station, which was generating H2 in the watertank, so you were drinking H2 infused water. Not sure if there is any science behind it to back this.

The economic science of getting people to pay for trendy health things that don’t work. Whether it be detoxing, stone eggs for a vagina, or hydrogen infused water. It’s a proven science. (Note: self-aware irony in that statement, no need to point it out)

If biohacking has gone from a counter-culture of DIY implants to trendy health gimmicks for profit, that's really upsetting to me.

Trendy health gimmicks for profit have existed far longer than modern bio-hacking. Think radium water or any other snake oil.