92 Post – 656 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Father; husband; mechanical engineer. Posting from my self-hosted Lemmy instance here in beautiful New Jersey. I also post from my Pixelfed instance.

All of them. Abolish occupations.

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Yeah, but who cares about the camel? How are you going to move all this straw now?

For most people, having an occupation means giving up roughly half of your waking hours, as well as a toll on your body and mind, to the minority class that happens to own the things needed to do this occupation in exchange for wages. These wages are required to buy the necessities for the rest of your life from this same minority class. Getting rid of occupations means ending this relationship so that we no longer have to support the exorbitant lifestyles and cruel whims of this minority class. It means putting us in control of the value we create with our labor and not wasting it on the likes of telemarketing, car dealing, or denying health insurance claims.

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I'm not saying that talent, preference, or experience aren't real or that people won't naturally focus their efforts on certain activities. I'm saying that people shouldn't have to effectively blackmailed into certain activities, whether they align with their preferences or not. I like being a mechanical engineer. I do not like that I have to do it for forty plus hours a week, 49 weeks out of the year. Getting rid of occupations means that I would not be penalized if I decided to cut back on engineering and devote some real time to things that actually matter to me, my family, and my neighbors.

The Emperor's psychic beacon, of course.

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Good building.

I don't think it's cooking unless you are applying heat to cause a chemical reaction. So, making a grilled cheese sandwich counts as cooking, but a BP&J does not.

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Some of the constituent ingredients have to be cooked, but ceviches and sushi rolls aren't cooked any more than salads or burritos. They're assembled or prepared.

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We have a big trash day once a month in my town and I always keep an eye out for something good. Recently I picked up a nice, sturdy, homemade cart with big casters in good condition.

Lol, that's a big-brained take from Wired that there's a Goldilocks amount of surveillance and repression that apartheid regimes should be applying for the best results.

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I don't think I've ever seen that symbol in a username anywhere.

Maybe you can just ask them?

Is any birth control really trust free?

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Gotcha. I guess these will just live in the box with my old batteries forever.

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A landlord is a landlord, regardless of the particular lease terms. In general, they aren't automatically good or bad. They're just people acting as rationally as anyone else with respect to their material conditions and interests.

If you're asking why they get a bad reputation, I think that's also pretty straight forward:

  • Almost everyone has had or knows someone who's had to deal with an especially neglectful or difficult landlord;
  • landlords have been engaging in notoriously greedy and abusive behavior since the industrial revolution;
  • landlords aren't doing themselves any favors they way some of them publicly brag and whine about being landlords;
  • and there's just something that isn't right about owning someone else's home and probably everyone has some faint sense of that.

Personally, I don't think that landlords should be guillotined, but housing policy that's accommodating to them is bad policy. We should be strengthening tenant protections and building new housing to the point that private landlords become practically obsolete.

The businesses are launching a joint venture to develop platforms for “software-defined vehicles.”

Big oof.

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My house. Even though we have to pay taxes and mortgage interest, it beats paying rent to a landlord. Also, we bought it in 2020 and it has appreciated it value significantly since then. However, that appreciation is kind of fictitious to me, because if we sold the house it's unlikely that we'd be able to buy a similar one in the same area for less. So, it's just a nice house.

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Yes, but if we only have to work on our specializations for 16 hours a week each instead of 40+, we would have a lot more time for other good stuff, whether it's personal development, supporting other specialists, or just hanging out.

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It's had to have happened at least once.

My radial arm saw. image

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JFK's head just did that.

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New, official Spider-Man stories get released all the time. What's stopping the writers from including a school shooting in a plot? Maybe they already have. Maybe school shootings aren't a big problem in Queens (that's where Peter Parker is from, right?).

People think I'm joking when I say that we need to repopulate wolves and mountain lions in North America.

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If self-hosting is going to become commonplace, then it needs to be easier than setting up a network printer. People should be able to just buy a computer (maybe a laptop for integral screen and UPS) preloaded with something like Yunohost, but with a sleek GUI. It has to have good wizards that walk you through everything including setting up a domain and email.

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Dudes can shop at Victoria Secret. It's okay.

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No. It's regular water with a little bit (1.6 ppm maximum under 1 atmospheric pressure at room temperature) of hydrogen gas dissolved in it.

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You can run your own instance and votes don't really matter.

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Gone Girl (2014). Then again, maybe that one counts as horror.

Let's give some credit where it's due. The photographer is Evan Vucci for AP News:

It's an incredible shot.

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Technically, I was laid off and not fired, but here's what happened: I intended to take five weeks of unpaid COVID leave in 2020 so that I could handle childcare until my wife's Summer break started, but they laid me off two weeks in. I guess I just made myself an easy target. Fortunately, a previous employer hired me back within a few weeks, fully remote.

What do you mean compensate employees for their commutes? If I were a self-respecting factory owner, I would figure out how to get the municipality to scale back any public transit options so I could lease vehicles to my employees. They should be paying me to get to work, ha!

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How was Israeli intelligence so bad that they could be taken off guard so incredibly in Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, yet suddenly so good that they would dare to conduct missile strikes in crowded areas like this? Really, it's as bad as ever and they're just serial killers who are happy to launch flying Saw traps at Palestinian civilians. is correct. I would just add that you should always apply for unemployment when you leave a company and do not immediately have new employment. Don't disqualify yourself. That's the job of your state's department of labor.

Unless Target decides to share more data, the article correctly points out that the publicly available crime data goes against their claims. It also points out that shrinkage reporting from Target and other retailers also doesn't support the narrative that shoplifting is a bigger problem than ever. It's apparently an excuse for retailers underperforming for other reasons (that might be less tolerable to shareholders or less spectacular to "news" consumers). I don't understand what you don't like about the article.

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I mean, the article isn't wrong in that regard, but somehow it just misses what I think would be an obvious conclusion that doing that to people is fundamentally unsustainable and just wrong in the first place.

Anything that can be reused. Containers and packaging material should have a significant return deposits.

Itte is still working, according to French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna. “The ambassador is working, I can confirm that, and he is very useful through his contacts, his team, there is still a small team with him,” said Colonna in an interview with French TV channel LCI. Colonna added that Itte “will stay as long as we want him to stay,” and that his return is Macron’s decision.

I don't think it's going to turn out well for the ambassador.

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What if you hit that shiny spot with a torch? If it melts it's probably lead.

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It's stretch to call what is shown in the video "parading". The video shows the body facedown in the back of a pickup, partially covered with gear and the legs of the militants also riding in the back. The truck drives off quickly once the crowd allows. It seems more they they are just trying to move the body.

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If you're not opposed to digital, then maybe you could set up an RSS feed reader to just update weekly. Or maybe you could just subscribe to weekly newsletters. Wouldn't want you to get a paper cut.