Hey, little buddy! [OC]

CrimeDad@lemmy.crimedad.work to pics@lemmy.world – 99 points –

cross-posted from: https://pixelfed.crimedad.work/p/crimedad/710904650365796010

Hey, little buddy!

I heard this little guy chirping in a bush while I was cleaning up some dog poop. He didn't flinch when I reached in with my camera to get this shot, so I reached in again and petted him gently with my finger. Hopefully, mom or dad will come back with some food soon.

#sparrow #fledgling #bird #birb



He looks so grumpy!

The bird: "Do your worst. I have nothing to lose. May the fire of thousand suns cleanse this cursed plane of torment as I return to nothing that I came from".

You: "Awww... Hello little borb. You wook so gwumpy." 😄

What an adorable little floofball! Thanks for sharing this, I love it!