Would you consider making a sandwich to be "cooking?"

🇰 🌀 🇱 đŸ‡Ļ đŸ‡ŗ đŸ‡Ļ 🇰 ℹī¸@yiffit.net to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 107 points –

Personally, I don't* but I was curious what others think.

^*^some sandwiches excluded like a Cubano or chicken parm; those do require cooking.


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Some of the constituent ingredients have to be cooked, but ceviches and sushi rolls aren't cooked any more than salads or burritos. They're assembled or prepared.

You're ignoring the chemical process in ceviche.

Yea, ceviche is cooked with acid rather than heat - you can also cook some foods with salt!