French ambassador is being 'held hostage at the French embassy' in Niger, says Macron to World – 305 points –
French ambassador is being 'held hostage at the French embassy' in Niger, says Macron | CNN

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Itte is still working, according to French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna. “The ambassador is working, I can confirm that, and he is very useful through his contacts, his team, there is still a small team with him,” said Colonna in an interview with French TV channel LCI. Colonna added that Itte “will stay as long as we want him to stay,” and that his return is Macron’s decision.

I don't think it's going to turn out well for the ambassador.

Since harming an ambassador might be considered an act of war, and the coup leaders are not idiots, I'm sure he'll be fine.

Is denying food and treats to the ambassador not considered harm? The way Macron is talking it would seem so.

he has food in form of army rations, so for now he's fine

The rations: image

that looks pretty damn good 😅

Just missing the bread which I'm sure is available in the schools where they serve this.

PS my French school lunches never looked quite that nice..

That image comes from a comparison of children’s school lunches from around the world. I have no idea how representative it is of either meals in the French embassy currently, or French army rations.