how can I check which instances my instance ( has defederated from? Is there also a way to check which instances have blocked to No Stupid – 131 points –

As title. Thanks


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Yeah, my understanding is that defederation prevents any incoming communication, so you won't see any posts or comments that come from lemmy.bullshit, however users from lemmy.bullshit will still see all of your comments and posts from unless they choose to defederate you back.

however users from lemmy.bullshit will still see all of your comments and posts from unless they choose to defederate you back

see, but not interact with, is that right? Or can they still reply, but it'll only show up on their end (and for whoever they're still federated with)?

Yeah, they can vote and reply and all of that and others who remain federated will see their interactions, but you or any other server who defederates them won't.