minor PSA: we have created Anime and Manga and Parenting communities

alyaza [they/she]@beehaw.orgmod to Beehaw Support@beehaw.org – 142 points –

pretty straightforward. these are a bit late but better now than never; you can find these two communities here:


sidenote: we're not exactly in a position to take on whatever V&V will be right now because we have too much going on so that's now a backburner community. no ETA on that one, but the idea isn't tabled or anything.


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For anyone wondering what V&V is, it’s Vegan and Vegetarian. Found it as one of the new communities on this post. Might be obvious to some, but I am newer to Beehaw than that post is so I didn’t know until I searched V&V and found that post.

Thank you, "V&V" was completely undecipherable to me.

Yeah there was some (surprising imo) pushback against the idea of having one community for both groups. Sounds like it's more bother than it's worth to set it up at the moment