Latvia swears in Edgars Rinkevics as EU's first openly gay president to World – 88 points –
Latvia swears in Edgars Rinkevics as EU's first openly gay president

I wish for a world where this wasn't news and wouldn't matter anymore, but as the world is right now, this is still an issue in many countries, and therefore imo noteworthy and good news.

(I have no idea if he is a good president otherwise, I'm not promoting his political leanings because I don't know them.)


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Didn't realize he was the first openly gay EU leader. Good to see progression.

President, specifically. The prime minister of Ireland is also openly gay (I think he has a husband), and Elio di Rupo was the first openly gay prime minister in the EU, Belgium to be specific.

Europe still has one foot in the old world, like being stuck in a bit of marsh and trying to wriggle free from it.. But yeah, shit takes time - apparently.