
0 Post – 108 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Who cares if you pleaded guilty? You were filmed, dumbass.

Wachu gonna do, plea the fifth?

6 more...

You okay, US? Been removing voting locales, preventing people from getting hydrated when standing in line, literally trying to prevent the end of an election cycle and now... this.

Democracy, does that mean anything anymore over there, or is it just decorative?

5 more...

Sigh... Guess we gotta copyright the human body and face. I fucking hate this timeline.

3 more...

Funny how convicted felons can have their voting rights taken away, but letting a person who tried to sabotage the voting system to win unfairly run for president again? Suuure!

Not only that, but it's a direct parallel to how the rich have so much more rights than the poor - and the worst part is this guy's fans ARE dirt poor, some may even be felons, who have no right to vote, some of which probably tried to vote illegally because "owning the libs is what matters"... because again, decentralisation, proper vote count, democratic and parliamentary process, this is all bullshit anyways, so let's just game the system!

Like you have to be a special kind of stupid - and I don't mean that in an ableist kind of way, but in a way that this needs to be studied by scientists, because of how absurdly brain-dead it really is.

Like here's a hint: if you set a political precedent where your guy can do it, what's to prevent the other guy from doing it? Does MAGA stand for "make America gullible again"?

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Is it because some of those fees are bullshit fees that target tech-ilitirate people?

Caesar, Alexander and Tzu wrote poetry, you absolute troglodyte, and you think you're more man than them? GTFO here...

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Yeah? How about closing those sweatshops that pollute Chinese rivers, drinking water, that destroys soil so that plants can never grow again, where Chinese works inhale colorant and chemicals... how about that shit, CCP?

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Reject modernity. Return to Debian.

Then the question everyone should ask him on Twitter/X is... "Are you an agent of foreign principal?"

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This is the contentious part and also why I left Fedora.

Don't get me wrong, you'll be hard pressed to find a better community, better support or even a more innovative bunch. Besides RedHat's involvement, Fedora has been in the vanguard for desktop technologies like PipeWire, Flatpaks, Wayland, heck they were one of the first to push systemd.

But my problem is that since RedHat holds sway over the Fedora leadership we cannot guarantee that the community will have the users best interests at heart.

So when people say "use a community distro", they mean a non-captured one.

And again; Fedora is awesome, the community is awesome, been using it for years, but switched to NixOS like a month ago because I don't trust the direction RedHat/IBM is taking Fedora.

Most likely they'll push some of these projects to Fedora, make them maintain the projects, then some years down the line sell those projects as apart of their service.

There is a conflict of interest here and a clear opportunistic angle. RedHat wants to use the Fedora community as a free of charge testing grounds, in effect creating a userbase of free QA testers for future software.

This is predatory, it is an insult to the community, but the community is captured, and therefore will play ball with RedHat. This is the problem. If the community would give some assurances and protections, that would be nice, but so far it seems the Fedora community is more than willing to play ball with IBM/RedHat.

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The internet is fit ME and OTHER SMART PEOPLE that I LIKE and not DOODOOHEADS.

Son, you gotta share your toys - or no ice cream after dinner.

Eh.. mr Beast is a "your people get in touch with my people" kind of guy, and by people I mean lawyers talking about money.

Starlink was subsidized, so he'd better know what side he's on. I wish there was a clause in the law that forcibly took back subsidies - like aight then, don't want to fight for liberty abroad? Gimme back that money.

Musk uses "piss off users".

It hurt itself in the confusion.

Boot licking shill licks boot and shills. News at 11.

I'm going to found a user community for it! I'm kind of cooky, so I'll name it "the church of LDS". Surely nothing litigious will happen.

Jokes aside, great work :)

haha pre-installed vendor garbage go brrrrr

how about...

My god, ISP email service. I know some stragglers have their email address still where I come from, but all that was migrated to a third party email provider instead. ISP email service.

Boy, that brings back memories.

There's something I'd like to call "the Bethesda" bar. It's basically an industrial bar lower than most. Let's define what that means:

  • releasing the same game over and over
  • make games so buggy that a release with only a couple hundred of glitches is deemed "polished*
  • ignore progressive development for things like NPC AI
  • put all the money in marketing and hype
  • make the user think they're getting something new, rather than just another boilerplate game

I'm sure the story writers did some characters justice, but I won't be playing this game - especially since Bethesda claims it "can't run on older hardware", despite the fact that modders are proving them wrong.

The Betheada bar is a cancer upon the industry and I view it as consumer facing psy-ops, relying on brain-dead fanboys with nothing going on in their lives to squeal with glee as a new AAA-title is released to fill that void.

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And another studio hits the dust. So long! We hardly knew yee. At least be grateful you haven't ended up in the Call of Duty mines, like Raven.

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EDIT: did not know about the allegations from the former employee and it just saddens me. I was only aware of the cooling block and it's auctioning when I wrote this.

This thread you made is cringe. Grow tf up and try to have some understanding for once in a while.

Big corporations will always pull fake apologies and complain that consumers are beligerent little hotheads who's opinion doesn't matter in the long run. You're proving their point right now.

But if say LTT actually does pull out of this amicably and their words are followed by prompt action that remedies the situation, we can in turn look at Intel, AMD, Nvidia and the likes and say "see? That's how it's done".

As tech jesus himself said in his expose video is that we all make mistakes.

Do not attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity, and the way LMG has been working has been stupid.

Don't give the bastards an inch, I understand. But let us be clear about who the bastards are and I still don't think LMG has gone over to the side of evil.

Now they're stepping back, taking the time to make amens (I hope they really give that company they shafted a much needed boost for instance, as a bare minimum) and we should be here for that.

If you're just here to whine, fine. But don't think you're adding to the conversation or saying anything meaningful, because you are in fact just trolling.

Again, try and have some understanding. It's very important for us to do that, because secterianism and feudes will in the end hurt the community, and also the consumer, because we have to stay on top of this.

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Bass ackwards. They're already in a war, i.e corruption in the military should actually be punishable by death. Where firing squad?

Another fríggin' Ubuntu distro. Can't somebody just commit to Debian instead... please?

Meanwhile, in NixOS land: Image

I would say *it's time to federate", but the path to monetization is nonexistent. Production value costs money and there should at least be a way to make that back. But as with open source software regarding monetization, federated platforms are overtly anti-monetization, demanding there be no ads, paid subscription or any integrated payment that is linked to the actual content (for analytics and tax purposes, which is key if you want to run it as a business).

The general consensus I seem to get from tankies and anarchists on Matrix and here on the fediverse is that they don't want anyone who makes any money to take part, thereby creating a "boys club" specifically catering to their whims.

A bit of an aside, I know, but I thought it should be said.

22 more...

It's not just about being DOOM players. It's a long running joke in the programming and engineering world. Wether it's a fridge, a toaster, a decommissioned 1970s super computer... can it run DOOM?

It's the computing world's version of a shitpost.

3 more...

Welcome... to the algorithm.

Embedded space running window ce still go brrrrrr

In today's news, the sky is blue, wind blows and Elon Musk is an idiot.

Seems like a lot of these "performance enhancing features" simply ignored security principles or tried to sidestep them, only for the features to introduce glaring security hole in the overall ISA, forcing people to then sidestep the supposed performance features so that it never mattered to begin with.

Are Intel, AMD and others pulling a fast one on us for the sake of gaining positive benchmarks?

It's time to play...


Each year one lucky contestant gets to escape the machine instead of having their flesh and mind crushed by it. Maybe you'll be the one who gets to not suffer anymore! You're only one out of millions upon millions of people who have the same chance and a dream to not be society's removed!

That's what they do. Find effective government and then sabotage it so that they can shape it according to their agenda.

The IRS is a great example of this. Make taxing slow, painful and expensive, and then turn around to complain about taxes so you can give hefty tax rebates to the rich and prevent money from going to infrastructure and instead funnel it to the same rich people via subsidies.

It's so fantastic to see democratic mechanism get gamed for the power games of a petty few.

We live in a time where a contract can be signed thusly:


What a time to be alive. Say, is that cryogenically preserved millionaire still.. ye'know, preserved?

Like US states were originally against state police, because their local sheriff and local "court systems" did just fine. Can you guess why state police and also inter-state police collaboration became a thing?

If you said to catch freemen and return them to slavery for jaywalking or looking at a white woman the wrong way, you'd sadly be correct.

Nuh-uh! That's the elites! We're the silent majority... which is why we had to sabotage the election. It makes perfect sense.

The worst part is that the swindle changes the market. Since you're paying for air, guess everything else has to get more expensive.

Free market my ass.

See, the thing that pisses me off and is the reason why I moved away from Fedora (Silverblue) about a week ago is that Fedora is the base of RHEL. Future RHEL's will be based off Fedora. The community therefor is providing free development for their pricey enterprise solution.

Now they're adding insult to injury by wanting to enable telemetry metrics on the by default, claiming that the user has to opt in to report anything, but the fact is that the ordinary user might be paying that much attention. Sometime after the EULA might change and all that tasty dara will probably be harvested.

This is the threat of it. The Fedora community has been one of the best, if not the best Linux distribution community out there. Now RedHat/IBM is sowing the seeds of distrust and will in all likelihood transform Fedora into a husk of its former self, much like Cannonical did to Ubuntu.

It's becoming such a drag to see that these corporate entities are turning tail and taking their community projects in the same direction as Microsoft, Google and Apple.

Fríggin' finally. Talk to some of the fediverse people on Matrix or Discord regarding monetization and they'll lose their tiny little minds.

The most belligerent ones seems like a bunch of anarchists and tankies who couldn't give a flying crap about independent or small businesses, such as content creators, all the while forcing content creators to stay on the large platforms (like YouTube, Patreon, etc) unknowingly going nowhere.

The fediverse needs to spearhead ethical monetization, and no: relying on the "honour system", unlimited CC distribution and attribution while hoping you'll get money through BitBucket donations is not a way to pay rent. It's yee olde "trust me bros", but instead of massive corporations, it's a boys club of ideologically finagling molluscs.

Give me exclusive (or locked content), direct donation functions and subscription functions. Build it, and they will come. Ignore it, and most likely some unethical businesses will co-opt everything (like Meta) and just steamroll the whole movement.

Be anti-capitalist. That's fine. But don't be one of those guys who think you're just one day away from the revolution. That's dumb. Let's bring monetization to the fediverse!

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Come on, guys. It's just a bit of cultural genocide, abuse, mind control and forced labour. It's not that bad. /s

I'm convinced it's just Shuttleworth with remote shell access to your system via the official snapd package and he's just installing stuff for the hell of it.