Louisiana man sentenced to 50 years in prison, physical castration for raping teen

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 372 points –
Louisiana man sentenced to 50 years in prison, physical castration for raping teen

A Louisiana man has been sentenced to decades in prison and physical castration after pleading guilty to raping a teenager, according to a news release from the region's district attorney. 

Glenn Sullivan Sr., 54, pled guilty to four counts of second-degree rape on April 17. Authorities began investigating Sullivan in July 2022, when a young woman told the Livingston Parish Sheriff's Office that Sullivan had assaulted her multiple times when she was 14. The assaults resulted in pregnancy, and a DNA test confirmed that Sullivan was the father of the child, the district attorney's office said. Sullivan had also groomed the victim and threatened her and her family to prevent her from coming forward.

A 2008 Louisiana law says that men convicted of certain rape offenses may be sentenced to chemical castration. They can also elect to be physically castrated. Perrilloux said that Sullivan's plea requires he be physically castrated. The process will be carried out by the state's Department of Corrections, according to the law, but cannot be conducted more than a week before a person's prison sentence ends. This means Sullivan wouldn't be castrated until a week before the end of his 50-year sentence — when he would be more than 100 years old.


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Calm down.

If you didn't want to answer the question, you didn't have to respond.

I did answer your question. I said she can't have consented because she's a child. I also quoted the relevant lines from the article that said she was groomed and threatened. You just didn't like my answer because it didn't fit your agenda of wanting to be allowed rape children.

No you didn't.

You pivoted to consent instead of willingness, which I did not ask.

Well let me be perfectly clear then. Children don't willingly have sex with adults. They're coerced, groomed, tricked, conned, manipulated, threatened, or forced. Even if a 14-year-old's brain was developed enough to understand exactly what was happening (and it's absolutely not), the power dynamic between an adult and a child has a profound impact on whatever agency the child had in the situation.

If an adult convinced a child to point a gun at their head and pull the trigger, I guess you could call that willingly committing suicide, but I would call it murder.

Children don’t willingly have sex with adults.

That's not true. I had sex with an 18 year old when I was 14 and I don't regret it for a second.

I think I would be way more messed up in the head if I missed out on my opportunity because of people like you who don't really care about me anyways.

If you really want to get into it, Edgar Allen Poe married his cousin when she was 13.

Maybe she actually wanted to marry him? But you're too far gone to see reality for what it is.

The power dynamic between 14 and 18 is not the same as the one between 14 and 54, but it's still there and somewhat problematic. Here you are claiming that it didn't at all traumatize you while also arguing that pedophilia is perfectly fine.

Poe married his cousin when she was 13.

That same year, you could legally purchase another human being. Those two things being commonplace once upon a time doesn't make them any less fucked up.

Maybe she actually wanted to marry him?

I can't tell if you're still going on about Poe's cousin here or if you're talking about the child from the article, so I'll try to address both...

Little girls in America in the early 1800s didn't have a whole lot of options. They weren't allowed to go to college. They couldn't vote. Good paying jobs were out of the question. In the particular case of Virginia Clemm, her family was destitute. Poe paid the family off so they would allow the marriage, and he had to lie about her age on the marriage license. Not the greatest example if that's who you're talking about.

If you're talking about the child from the article, she definitely didn't want to marry him. The rapist threatened her and her family to get his way. Let's entertain the hypothetical though. Even if she did want to marry her rapist, it doesn't make it ok. 14-year-olds want absurd things all the time. Mine would drop out of middle school and play video games all day if I let him. Doesn't mean he understands the impact that decision would have on his life.

It's funny how much you're willing to type out, assume, and misunderstand to avoid answering a question you don't like.

If you’re talking about the child from the article, she definitely didn’t want to marry him. The rapist threatened her and her family to get his way.

That's all you had to say.